Pennsylvania parish provides overnight shelter in August

State College, Pennsylvania, August 23, 2023     

One parish of the Orthodox Church in America’s Western Pennsylvania Diocese opened up its doors to provide overnight shelter to the homeless this month.

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in State College, Pennsylvania (the home of Penn State University), teamed up with Out of the Cold: Centre Country to help feed and house those in need from August 7 to 21, reports the Archdiocese of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania.

Out of the Cold is a low-barrier shelter that provides a place to sleep and hot meals every day, open from 8 PM to 8 AM. It also operates a day shelter that provides various supportive services, including helping guests find housing.

The shelter, located just a few blocks from the church, is currently undergoing renovations, and the faithful of Holy Trinity stepped up to offer their Trinity House, located next door to the church, as an overnight shelter.

Volunteers from the parish worked to prepare places to sleep, as well as dinner and breakfast.

Holy Trinity is very active in such social and charitable work, especially through its Matthew 25 Ministry, which, inspired by the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, aims to help the hungry, naked, homeless, and imprisoned.

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