Panagia Malevi: The Icon That Has Been Continually Gushing Myrrh Since 1964

August 23, 2023

Source: Mystagogy Resource Center


At an altitude of 1,100 meters, in a verdant mountaintop where the Monastery of Panagia Malevi has been since 1116 AD, the icon of the Dormition of the Theotokos - one of the seventy painted by Luke the Evangelist - has not stopped gushing Myrrh from 1964 until today, while the whole area is fragrant without anyone being able to give an alternate explanation.

Her appearances, as well as miracles, number in the hundreds, though most never become known. However, word of mouth of her divine signs are transferred throughout the world and every year believers from every corner of Greece but also from abroad, such as America, Australia, Canada, Cyprus, travel as far as Arcadia to venerate her grace and ask for her help. And she doesn’t disappoint them. She reaches out to them and heals their wounds.

That which has deeply moved my soul and has literally disturbed me is the heavenly, the divine Myrrh, this supernatural Myrrh which emanates from this miraculous icon.

The miraculous icon was brought to Kynouria by the inhabitants of Mount Athos who came to the area in the year 971. The icon was originally located in the first monastery that was built in Kanalon.

But the monks died tragically from the cold and, according to what has prevailed all these years and is described to us by the nun Agni:

“The icon left by itself and came to the place where the monastery is today.

At that time there were cottonwoods in that area and the icon was standing in the cottonwoods, while an oil lamp was burning next to it that never went out. Three times they moved the icon to its original position, but it returned to that particular spot.

So it was decided to build her new home there. We believe that she chose this place, as many people met a tragic death here. In fact, during the work for the construction of the monastery, many bones were found.”

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