Holy Orthodoxy spreading in Costa Rica and Dominican Republic

Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, September 6, 2023

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Last month, OrthoChristian reported about Orthodoxy growing in Latin America—in particular, in Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico—largely thanks to the missionary efforts of Fr. Daniel Ene, a priest of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas.

Fr. Daniel continues his missionary labors, most recently with a visit to Mexico, Costa Rica, and the Dominican Republic from August 12 to 18.

The trip began with the Divine Liturgy on Saturday August 12 at St. Joseph the Confessor Mission in Cancun/Playa del Carmen, Mexico, reports the Romanian Metropolia.

Following the Divine Liturgy, the first parish council for the new mission was elected.

That afternoon, Fr. Daniel traveled to San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica, which is home to a considerable Romanian diaspora. On Sunday, August 13, the first Romanian-language Divine Liturgy was celebrated at the local ROCOR parish with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas, the First Hierarch of ROCOR.

The local Serbian Orthodox priest, Fr. Ignacio Miranda, concelebrated with Fr. Daniel. Following the Liturgy, the Romanian community met and asked Fr. Daniel to return at least during fasting periods, if not more often.

The next day, Fr. Daniel traveled to Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, where he met with the small Romanian community there. Plans were made for a future visit, with several people already scheduled to be received into the Church.

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