Georgian Holy Synod on violence in Holy Land and Ukraine

Tbilisi, November 7, 2023

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The Holy Synod of the Georgian Orthodox Church gathered in Tbilisi on Thursday, November 2, under the chairmanship of His Holiness Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II.

The hierarchs dealt with a number of issues concerning the internal life of the Georgian Patriarchate, and also addressed the violence affecting Orthodox people and places.

In his opening word, Pat. Ilia “noted that the situation in the international space and in specific regions is very difficult and dangerous, and that, against this background, Georgia’s concern for maintaining peace is welcome, which should continue in the future,” reports the Georgian Church.

The Holy Synod formulated a general position:

From the very first days of Russia’s military operations in Ukraine, the Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia issued an appeal about the need for an immediate end to the conflict, which, otherwise, would bring very serious consequences.

And today, when the developments in the Middle East are becoming increasingly large-scale, it’s clear that a globally explosive and dangerous environment is being created, which puts the whole world in great danger.

The wars in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip have already produced many casualties. Innocent people, children, and the elderly people are dying together with soldiers, and infrastructure, housing, religious and other buildings and structures are being destroyed; in general, there is also violence on religious grounds.

We express our deep sorrow and sympathy to those affected by the war. Terror, cruelty, injustice are unequivocally condemnable and its direct or indirect support is unacceptable to the civilized world.

We join the prayers of all people of good will and ask God to grant peace to Ukraine, the Holy Land, and the whole world.

​Pat. Ilia also made an appeal in March to Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople on behalf of the persecuted Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the brotherhood of the Kiev Caves Lavra.

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