The 30th Anniversary of the Glorification of St John the Wonderworker

The 30th anniversary of his glorification

In honor of the thirtieth anniversary of his glorification by the Church Abroad, the Feast of St John the Wonderworker this year was marked with special solemnity at Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco, where the saint’s incorruptible relics lie enshrined. People arrived from all over American and abroad to participate in the services and bask in the grace of their beloved saint.

Even unwittingly, local baseball players celebrated in their own way, with a fireworks display during the All-Night Vigil on Friday evening.

These photos are credited to the Western American Diocese of the ROCOR, with a few exceptions by anonymous parishioners.

2 июля 2024 г.

Liam Young7/7/2024 9:15 am
Wonderful feast day and saint! I am glad to say that I was able to attend a ROCOR Church liturgy for St. John’s feast day last weekend. Especially knowing that he was Fr. Seraphim Rose’s spiritual father. St. John the Wonder Worker; pray to God for us now and forever more and unto the ages of ages amen!
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