Ukrainian diocese donates medical equipment and medicine worth 1 mln hryvnia to treat children with cancer

Sumy, Sumy Province, Ukraine, August 15, 2024

Met. Evlogy visits patients. Photo: Met. Evlogy visits patients. Photo:     

Every year, the Sumy Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church collections funds to donate necessary medical equipment and medicine in support of children with cancer.

On August 13, the diocese held its final event of the 13th annual “Bright Deeds for the Bright Deed” charity drive, when His Eminence Metropolitan Evlogy of Sumy personally delivered a platelet shaker incubator and medicine to the department of oncohemtaology at a local hospital, the Sumy Diocese reports.

In total, more than 1 million hryvnia ($24,240) were raised and spent to help in the fight against childhood cancer.

The department head spoke about how important the diocese’s annual charity event is for improving the quality of treatment of children with severe cancer diagnoses, and thanked Met. Evlogy and all the clergy and faithful for their generous donation.

For his part, Met. Evlogy spoke about how the Church prays daily for children with cancer, and presented each patient with an icon of the Mother of God and candy.

“Despite the difficulties of wartime, the 2024 campaign has been successfully completed,” the diocese writes. “For the Lord God has shown mercy through the hands of the great family of Sumy benefactors.”

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