Russian bishop consecrates church in Burgundy, France

Ancy-le-Franc, Burgundy-Free County, France, September 3, 2024     

Another Orthodox church was consecrated in France on Sunday, September 1.

On that day, His Eminence Metropolitan Nestor of Korsun and Western Europe of the Russian Orthodox Church consecrate the house church in honor of the Nativity of Christ at the Le Moulin Neuf estate in Ancy-le-Franc, in the historical Burgundy Region in northeastern France, reports the Korsun Diocese.

Another Orthodox church was consecrated in France on Sunday, September 1. Another Orthodox church was consecrated in France on Sunday, September 1.     

Then His Eminence celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the newly consecrated chapel, concelebrated by Hieromonk Alexander (Sinyakov), rector of the St. Genevieve of Parish Spiritual-Educational Center, and Fr. Anthony Sidenko, who accompanied Met. Nestor on the visit.

The Liturgy was followed by a festive meal, after which the Chronos choir gave a concert of Russian sacred music from the early 18th century in the manor’s assembly hall.

Met. Nestor also consecrated a church in Switzerland in June.

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