Fr. Seraphim Celebrations in Platina

On Monday, September 2, over one hundred pilgrims arrived at the hillside desert monastery of St. Herman of Alaska, co-founded by Fr. Seraphim (Rose). All wished to prayerfully commemorate the day of Fr. Seraphim’s repose in the Lord. Serving the Liturgy were Hieromonk Paisii of St. Herman Monastery, Priests Gregory Schultz, and Nectarios Rozadilla, and Deacon Benjamin.

Fr. Seraphim (Rose) was a missionary monk, a scholar and spiritual writer whose works live on today as classics bringing countless heterodox to the Orthodox Christianity, and many Orthodox to a greater understanding of their faith.

We thank the monastery brothers for sending us this brief photo report of the event.












See also
About My Spiritual Guide, Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) About My Spiritual Guide, Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose)
Stories of Matushka Maria Kotar
About My Spiritual Guide, Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) About My Spiritual Guide, Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose)
Stories of Matushka Maria Kotar
Maria Kotar
In the 70’s for some reason much of the Orthodox world was talking about the end of the world, thinking that the Apocalypse was nearing, and people were worried and scared about living in the end times. But Fr. Seraphim told us not to fear the end times. He reminded us that first of all, even the angels don’t know when the end times will be, only the Father knows, and of course we cannot know this information ourselves.
Brotherhood of Monastery St. Herman of Alaska (VIDEO) Brotherhood of Monastery St. Herman of Alaska (VIDEO)
Hieromonk Damascene (Christensen)
Brotherhood of Monastery St. Herman of Alaska (VIDEO) Brotherhood of Monastery St. Herman of Alaska (VIDEO)
Hieromonk Damascene (Christensen)
Father Damascene, abbot of St. Herman of Alaska Monastery, talks to Pemptousia about the history of the brotherhood of the monastery and how the brotherhood turned from missionary to monastic. He mentions some important spiritual words of Father Seraphim Rose and describes the situation of Orthodoxy in the USA today.
An Unpublished Life of Fr. Seraphim Rose, Written By His Godfather An Unpublished Life of Fr. Seraphim Rose, Written By His Godfather
Dimitri Andrault de Langeron
An Unpublished Life of Fr. Seraphim Rose, Written By His Godfather An Unpublished Life of Fr. Seraphim Rose, Written By His Godfather
Dimitri Andrault de Langeron
Father Seraphim always said: "Keep your mind in Heaven and your feet on earth." This was the essence of his philosophy, the secret of his influence on people: his approach was practical, "down to earth," but at the same time ascetic and spiritual. He valued humility and moderation, and had a great respect for the opinions of others. He was patient, gentile and full of love. He always repeated: "Don't blame others. Blame yourself. Don't justify yourself. Always look at your own sins, and don't judge your brother."
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