Orthodox Liturgy celebrated in ancient Welsh church for first time since Great Schism

Gwytherin, Conwy County Borough, Wales, September 10, 2024

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Ajoyous event for Orthodox Christians living in the West occurred on Saturday, September 7, 2024, as the Orthodox Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the ancient Church of St. Winifred of Trefinon in the Welsh village of Gwytherin for the first time since the Great Schism of 1054.

His Grace Bishop Matthew of Sourozh (Moscow Patriarchate) celebrated the Liturgy in the church that stands on the site of an even older monastery, where St. Eleril (7th century) was the abbot, reports the Sourozh Diocese.

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Bp. Matthew was concelebrated by several priests. The service, attended by pilgrims from London, various cities in Wales, Northern England, and Scotland, was chanted in Church Slavonic, English, and Welsh.

After the service, all went in a procession around the church. In memory of the service, Igumen Deiniol (Davis), dean of the Diocesan District if Wales, presented Bp. Matthew with an icon of the Welsh martyr King Doged (5th century).

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In turn, Bp. Matthew presented Fr. Deiniol with a liturgical English-language Gospel, and expressed hope for regular pilgrimages to the holy places of Wales, emphasizing the importance of this first Liturgy in the church since the Schism.

Read more about St. Winifred here.

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