This is How God’s Pure Ones Think

Source: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America

September 20, 2024

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Father Roman Braga, a confessor of the faith, was born in Romania in 1922 and fell asleep in the Lord in the United States in 2015. Considered by many as a saint, they continually pray for the official announcement of his canonization. He endured a harrowing eleven-year imprisonment in communist Romania, enduring severe physical and psychological torment. Even after his release, he continued to suffer moral persecution until his departure for Brazil in 1968. Patriarch Justinian facilitated Father Braga's departure in order to save him from further harm from law enforcement because of his active involvement in his parish.

Father Braga, released as a deacon, struggled to find employment in various dioceses to make ends meet. Despite facing rejection from some bishops, he harbored no resentment, nor did he hold a grudge against them. Rather, he recognized their fear of persecution that the Church was suffering at the time.

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