More than a dozen baptized in eastern Uganda over two weekends

Jinja, Uganda, October 25, 2024

Bp. Silvester with the newly baptized in Jinja. Photo: Bp. Silvester with the newly baptized in Jinja. Photo:     

More than a dozen people were united to Christ through Holy Baptism over the past two weekends in Uganda.

Bishop Silvester of Jinja and Eastern Uganda of the Alexandrian Patriarchate baptized and chrismated eight children from Orthodox families Sunday, October 13, at St. Arsenios Church in Mbale City, reports the site Uganda Orthodox Church.

The bishop was assisted by parish priest Fr. Thomas Wananda, along with Fr. Andrew Wambwa and Hieromonk Paraskevianos Ndawula.

Photo: Photo:     

A similar service was held a week later, as eight catechumens joined the Church through Baptism at Holy Resurrection Cathedral in Jinja on Saturday, October 19. The group comprised both adult converts and children from Orthodox families. Again, Bp. Silvester celebrated the triple-immersion Baptism and Chrismation service, joined by Fr. Chrysostom Koolya and Hierodeacon Moses Ssekubunga.

During both services, Bp. Silvester emphasized to the Godparents their responsibility to guide the newly baptized in maintaining their spiritual purity. He stressed that salvation comes not merely from Baptism itself, but through following Christ’s teachings.

“At Baptism, we put on Christ (Galatians 3:27), so it is the wedding garment. We keep the garment clean through Confession, repentance, loving, and praying for our neighbors so that we may be able to commune with God through partaking of His Body and Blood,” the hierarch said.

Both services were followed by festive meals.

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