A Winter Wonderland in Moscow

From New Year’s Eve to Christmas

We offer to our readers this photo gallery of work by photographer Dmitry Kiriukhin, dedicated to wintertime festivity in Moscow. Red Square Gum Shopping Center, the Arbat all dressed up in festive colors; churches, bridges, streets, parks, subway stations, Christmas trees and lighting; joyful Muscovites and guests, folk festivities—all of this made the impression on Dmitry Kiriukhin that you can see here as he walked around town.

Monument to Yuri Dolgoruki

Monument to Yuri Dolgoruki

Tverskaya Square

The Moscow Mayor’s office

The Moscow Mayor’s office

Tverskaya Square

The Moscow Mayor’s office

The Moscow Mayor’s office

Tverskaya Square

A promenade outside the mayor’s office

A promenade outside the mayor’s office

Tverskaya Square

Tea served on the square

Tea served on the square

Tverskaya Square

A scene by the mayor’s office

A scene by the mayor’s office

Tverskaya Square

Tverskaya Street

Tverskaya Street

Church of the Holy Unmercinaries Cosmos and Damian in Shubino

Church of the Holy Unmercinaries Cosmos and Damian in Shubino

Stoleshnikov Lane

Entrance to the Lyubanka subway station

Entrance to the Lyubanka subway station

New Square

Tsum shopping center

Tsum shopping center

Petrovka street

The Iveron Icon Chapel

The Iveron Icon Chapel

Entrance to Red Square

The Kremlin from Paryashchev Bridge

The Kremlin from Paryashchev Bridge

Church of St. Symeon the Stylite on Povarsky Street

Church of St. Symeon the Stylite on Povarsky Street

View from New Arbat

Hotel Ukraine

Hotel Ukraine

Hotel Ukraine and the New Arbat Bridge

Hotel Ukraine and the New Arbat Bridge

View from New Arbat Bridge of the Smolensk metro bridge

View from New Arbat Bridge of the Smolensk metro bridge

Kazan Cathedral on Red Square

Kazan Cathedral on Red Square

GUM Shopping Center

GUM Shopping Center

A carousel on Red Square

A carousel on Red Square

St. Basil Cathedral

St. Basil Cathedral

St. Basil Cathedral

St. Basil Cathedral

Dmitry Kiryukhin


21 января 2025 г.

coimbra serge1/22/2025 6:09 pm
More Beautiful !!
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