Reports about killings of Christians in Syria continuing

Aleppo, September 23, 2013

The Ad-Diyar newspaper in Aleppo reports that members of Al-Qaeda and Jabhat al-Nusra armed groups have attacked homes of the Christian population in different blocks of the city.

Having encircled the houses, the militants took out their residents, including women and children, and having tied their hands, led them to the recreational park near Aleppo. There, following several bursts of submachine gun fire, the extremists slaughtered all captive Christians.

A report of the Al-Hadas agency, also citing the material from Ad-Diyar, adds that the Al-Qaeda fighters have forbidden their supporters to film the slaughter, telling them to burn the corpses and to bury the remains in a common grave.

In the article mentioned above, the editorial staff of the newspaper considers this course of events to be fatal for Syria: thus, forcible eviction of Christians from the country is being carried out under the auspices of so called "State of Ahl us-Sunnah in Iraq and Syria".

It is supposed that the next target will be Lebanon, reports Linga.

Linga also specifies that they have not been able to find reports about this tragedy in other sources; however, reports about this have appeared in many newspapers of the region, such as Alhadathnews and ABNA.


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