When the Most-holy Virgin Mary reached the age of three, her holy parents Joachim and Anna took her from Nazareth to Jerusalem to dedicate her to the service of God according to their earlier promise. It was a three-day journey from Nazareth to Jerusalem but, traveling to do a God-pleasing work, this journey was not difficult for them. Many kinsmen of Joachim and Anna gathered in Jerusalem to take part in this event, at which the invisible angels of God were also present. Leading the procession into the Temple were virgins with lighted tapers in their hands, then the Most-holy Virgin, led on one side by her father and on the other side by her mother. The virgin was clad in vesture of royal magnificence and adornments as was befitting the “King’s daughter, the Bride of God” (Psalm 45:13-15). Following them were many kinsmen and friends, all with lighted tapers. Fifteen steps led up to the Temple. Joachim and Anna lifted the Virgin onto the first step, then she ran quickly to the top herself, where she was met by the High Priest Zacharias, who was to be the father of St. John the Forerunner. Taking her by the hand, he led her not only into the Temple, but into the “Holy of Holies,” the holiest of holy places, into which no one but the high priest ever entered, and only once each year, at that. St. Theophylact of Ohrid says that Zacharias “was outside himself and possessed by God” when he led the Virgin into the holiest place in the Temple, beyond the second curtain-otherwise, his action could not be explained. Mary’s parents then offered sacrifice to God according to the Law, received the priest’s blessing and returned home. The Most-holy Virgin remained in the Temple and dwelt there for nine full years. While her parents were alive, they visited her often, especially Righteous Anna. When God called her parents from this world, the Most-holy Virgin was left an orphan and did not wish to leave the Temple until death or to enter into marriage. As that would have been against the Law and custom of Israel, she was given to St. Joseph, her kinsman in Nazareth, after reaching the age of twelve. Under the acceptable role of one betrothed, she could live in virginity and thus fulfill her desire and formally satisfy the Law, for it was then unknown in Israel for maidens to vow virginity to the end of their lives. The Most-holy Virgin Mary was the first of such life-vowed virgins, of the thousands and thousands of virgin men and women who would follow her in the Church of Christ. (Prologue of Ohrid)
Beginning of Vespers with Litiya: Glory be to the holy, consubstantial, life-creating and undivided Trinity, now and ever and for ages of ages. Amen.
Kathisma Reading
“Blessed is the man” is sung.
At Psalm 140
In Tone 1
8. O faithful, let us leap for joy today,
singing psalms and hymns of praise
in honour of Mary, his mother,
the holy Tabernacle and Ark that contained the Word
whom nothing can contain.
She is offered to God as a child in a marvellous
and Zechariah the high priest receives her with great
for she is the dwelling place of the Most High.
7. O faithful, let us leap for joy today,
singing psalms and hymns of praise
in honour of Mary, his mother,
the holy Tabernacle and Ark that contained the Word
whom nothing can contain.
She is offered to God as a child in a marvellous
and Zechariah the high priest receives her with great
for she is the dwelling place of the Most High.
6. Today the living Temple of the holy glory of Christ our
Mary, the pure and blessed One,
is being brought into the temple according to the
to live in its holy precincts.
Joachim and Anne and all the virgins
rejoice with her in spirit.
They sing hymns of praise to the Lord
and honour his Mother.
5. Today the living Temple of the holy glory of Christ our
Mary, the pure and blessed One,
is being brought into the temple according to the
to live in its holy precincts.
Joachim and Anne and all the virgins
rejoice with her in spirit.
They sing hymns of praise to the Lord
and honour his Mother.
4. O Virgin Mother of God,
you are the One foretold by the prophets.
You are the glory of the apostles
and the pride of martyrs
and the cause of renewal for the entire human race.
Through you we have been reconciled with God.
Therefore, we honour your entrance into the temple of the
Together with the angels, all of us who are saved by your
prayers sing to you:
Rejoice, O most holy One.
In Tone 4
3. The holy and immaculate One
is being led into the Holy of Holies by the Holy
She is being nourished by angels,
since she is the holy Temple of our holy God.
He has sanctified all creation because of her
and He has deified our fallen human nature.
2. Today the maidens rejoice.
Carrying lamps, they piously escort Mary,
the spiritual lamp, into the Holy of Holies.
This is a foreshadowing of the splendid Light
that will shine forth from her,
the Light that will enlighten all
who sit in the darkness of ignorance.
1. The most praiseworthy Anne cries out in great
O Zechariah, receive the One whom the prophets of
foretold through the Spirit.
Escort her into the holy temple,
since she is to be the sublime Temple,
the palace, throne, and wondrous abode of our God.
Glory… Now…
O Lady and Bride of God,
you entered the temple of God in your infancy
to be brought up in the Holy of Holies,
for you are holy.
The archangel Gabriel was sent to serve you and bring you
All the heavenly powers were amazed
at the sight of the Holy Spirit dwelling in you.
Therefore, O most pure and immaculate Mother of God,
since you are glorified in heaven and on earth,
through your prayers save our human race.
Exodus 40:1-5,9-10,16,34-35; I Kings 7:51-8:1, 3-7,
9-11; Ezekiel 43:27-44:4
In Tone 1
Today let the heavens above greatly rejoice
and let the clouds pour down gladness
at the mighty and marvellous acts of our God.
For behold, the gate that looks towards the East,
born from a fruitless and barren womb according to the
and consecrated to God as his dwelling,
is now being brought into the temple
as a spotless offering.
Let David greatly rejoice and play on his harp,
Virgins shall be brought to the king after her;
her companions shall be brought into the ark of the
to be nourished with the life of the Incorruptible
who was begotten from eternity
for the salvation of our souls.
In Tone 4
Today the Theotokos, the Temple that is to contain
is being escorted into the temple of the Lord,
and Zechariah receives her.
Today the Holy of Holies greatly rejoices,
and the choir of angels mystically celebrates this
Let us also celebrate with them today
and cry out with Gabriel:
Rejoice, O Full of Grace, the Lord is with you,
and He grants us great mercy.
Come all you people,
and let us praise the only Immaculate One
who was foretold by the prophets
and is being led into the temple.
She was chosen from eternity to be the Mother;
and in time she was revealed as the Theotokos.
O Lord, by her prayers grant us your peace and great
In Tone 5, Glory… Now…
A day of joy has truly dawned.
It is a most precious feast for us,
because she who was virgin before and after
today is offered in the temple.
The aged Zechariah, father of the Forerunner, cries aloud,
The intercessor of those in affliction
comes into the holy temple, since she herself is
She will be sanctified in the abode of the King of
Let her father, Joachim, be glad
and let Anne rejoice exceedingly,
because they have offered to God
the immaculate Queen as a three year old child.
Rejoice with them, all you women;
all you virgins and barren ones, dance for joy
and celebrate with them,
for the Queen of all has opened the kingdom of heaven for
Let all people be glad and rejoice.
In Tone 5
Heaven and earth today rejoice together
at the sight of the mystical heaven;
the immaculate and pure Virgin is coming into the holy
to be brought up in honour. Zechariah, rejoicing in her
and leaping for joy,
cried out in awe: O Door of the Lord,
I open the doors of the temple to you,
because I know and believe that the salvation of Israel is
already coming,
that the Word of God will be born from you,
and that He will grant great mercy to the world.
She is led to the King with her maiden companions.
When Anne, which means grace,
was graced with the pure and ever-Virgin Mary,
she presented her into the temple of God.
She called maidens to carry candles and walk before her as
she said:
O child, go to be an offering
and a fragrant incense for the One who sent you to
Enter into the veiled places and learn the mysteries of
Prepare yourself to be a delightful dwelling place for
who will give great mercy to the world.
They are escorted amid gladness and joy; they pass within the palace of the King.
The all-holy Virgin is handed over into the temple.
Maidens carrying candles go before her.
Her parents, the devoted couple, Joachim and Anne,
joyfully celebrate,
for they have given birth in the flesh to the One who will
bear the Creator.
She will dance for joy in the temple of God
and will be fed by the hand of an angel.
The all-immaculate Mother of Christ has appeared,
and He will grant great mercy to the world.
In Tone 6, Glory… Now…
O assembly of the faithful,
let us celebrate this day as a spiritual feast.
With great love, let us honour the maiden of God,
the Virgin and Theotokos,
as she is presented into the temple of the Lord;
for she has been chosen from among all generations
to be the dwelling place of Christ our God
who is the King of all.
O virgins, carry candles and lead the way
for the entrance of the ever-Virgin.
Follow after her who is the Mother of God
and mediatrix for the joy of the world.
Therefore, let us all cry out together with the
Rejoice, for you are full of grace,
and you continually pray for our souls.
In Tone 4
Today is the prelude of the good pleasure of God,* and the proclamation of salvation for the human race.* In the Temple of God the Virgin is clearly revealed,* and beforehand announces Christ to all.* To her, then, let us cry aloud with a mighty voice:** Rejoice, fulfillment of the Creator’s plan. (3 times)
Great Ekteny
The Lord Is God, Tone 4
Troparion, Tone
Today is the prelude of the good pleasure of God,* and the
proclamation of salvation for the human race.* In the
Temple of God* the Virgin is clearly revealed* and
beforehand announces Christ to all.* To her, then, let us
cry aloud with a mighty voice:* Rejoice, fulfillment of
the Creator’s plan. (twice)
Glory… Now…
Today is the prelude of the good pleasure of God,* and the proclamation of salvation for the human race.* In the Temple of God* the Virgin is clearly revealed* and beforehand announces Christ to all.* To her, then, let us cry aloud with a mighty voice:* Rejoice, fulfillment of the Creator’s plan.
Kathisma & Little Ekteny
Sessional Hymn I
In Tone 1: The fruit of righteous Joachim and
Ann* is brought as an offering to God in the holy
sanctuary,* she who sustains our life, a young child in
the flesh;* and she receives the blessing of Zacharias the
priest.* Let all of us in faith call her blessed, for she
is the Mother of the Lord.
Glory… Now…
The fruit of righteous Joachim and Ann* is brought as an offering to God in the holy sanctuary,* she who sustains our life, a young child in the flesh;* and she receives the blessing of Zacharias the priest.* Let all of us in faith call her blessed, for she is the Mother of the Lord.
Kathisma & Little Ekteny
Sessional Hymn II
In Tone 4: Before your conception, O pure
Virgin,* you were consecrated to God;* and now after your
birth you are offered as a gift to Him* in fulfillment of
your parents’ promise.* To the divine temple you are
brought,* yourself a Temple truly divine, innocent from
the time you were a babe;* you have appeared in the
sanctuary accompanied by brightly burning lamps,* who are
the Receiver of the Divine Light that no man can
approach.* Magnificent in truth is your entry,* O only
Bride of God and ever-Virgin.
Glory… Now…
Before your conception, O pure Virgin,* you were consecrated to God;* and now after your birth you are offered as a gift to Him* in fulfillment of your parents’ promise.* To the divine temple you are brought,* yourself a Temple truly divine, innocent from the time you were a babe;* you have appeared in the sanctuary accompanied by brightly burning lamps,* who are the Receiver of the Divine Light that no man can approach.* Magnificent in truth is your entry,* O only Bride of God and ever-Virgin.
We extol you,* O most holy Virgin!* Maiden chosen of God!*
And we honour your entry into the temple!
Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised:
in the city of our God and in His holy
Holy is Your temple, and wonderful in
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Glory be to You, O God!
(3 times)
In Tone 8: Let David the Psalmist greatly
rejoice,* let Joachim and Ann be glad,* for a holy child
has come forth from them,* Mary the Lamp that bears the
Divine Light;* and she rejoices as she enters the temple.*
The son of Zarachias, beholding her, gave her his blessing
and cried out in joy:* “Hail, you wonder of the all
the world!”
Glory… Now…
Let David the Psalmist greatly rejoice,* let Joachim and Ann be glad,* for a holy child has come forth from them,* Mary the Lamp that bears the Divine Light;* and she rejoices as she enters the temple.* The son of Zarachias, beholding her, gave her his blessing and cried out in joy:* “Hail, you wonder of the all the world!”
Gradual Hymns
Prokeimenon, Tone 4
Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and incline your
verse: My heart is inditing a good matter.
Let Everything That Has Breath, Tone 4
Luke 1:39-49, 56
After Psalm 50
In Tone 2, Glory…
Today the living Temple of the great King* enters the
temple to be prepared as a divine dwelling-place for Him.*
O people, rejoice exceedingly.
Today the living Temple of the great King* enters the
temple to be prepared as a divine dwelling-place for Him.*
O people, rejoice exceedingly.
In Tone 4,Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness. In
your compassion, blot out my offense.
Today the Theotokos, the Temple that is to hold God,* is
led into the temple of the Lord,* and Zacharias receives
her.* Today the Holy of Holies rejoices greatly,* and the
choir of angels mystically keeps feast.* With them let us
also celebrate the festival today,* and let us cry aloud
with Gabriel:* Hail, O you who are full of grace: the Lord
is with you,* He who has great mercy.
First Canon – Tone 4
Irmos I shall open my mouth and the Spirit will
inspire it, and I shall utter the words of my song to the
Queen and
Refrain: Most holy Theotokos, save us.
Mother: I shall be seen radiantly keeping feast and
joyfully praising her entry.
We know that you, O All-Undefiled, are a treasury of
wisdom and a never-failing fountain of grace. We therefore
pray: O Lady, let fall some drops of knowledge upon us,
that we may sing your praises for ever.
You who are honoured, O Most Holy, far above the heavens,
you who are both Temple and Palace, you are dedicated in
the temple of God, to be prepared as a divine
dwelling-place for His coming.
She who made the light of grace shine forth, the
Theotokos, has illuminated all men and brought them
together to adorn with songs her most radiant triumph. O
come, let us join them and hasten to her.
Having opened the gates of the temple of God, the Glorious
Gate’ through which human thoughts cannot pass now
urges us to enter with her and to delight in her divine
Second Canon – Tone 1
Irmos Let us all sing a triumphant song unto God who
has done wondrous things with His mighty arm, and has
saved Israel: for He has been glorified.
Refrain: Most holy Theotokos, save us.
Let us this day hasten together to the Theotokos,
honouring her in songs, and let us keep spiritual feast.
For she is offered in the temple as a gift to God.
Let us praise in songs the glorious advance of the
Theotokos. For today as a precious gift she is
prophetically offered in the temple, who is herself a
Temple of God.
Ann without reproach greatly rejoiced, offering her child
in the temple as a precious gift to God, while Joachim,
bright with joy, kept feast with her.
David the forefather praised you of old in hymns, O Virgin
Bride of God, calling you Daughter of Christ the King: Him
you have borne as Mother and you have fed Him as your
The Theotokos, when she was three years old after the
flesh, was led to the Lord; and Zacharias, the priest of
God, received her in the temple with rejoicing and
established her there.
You virgins carrying lamps, be of good cheer today and
begin the song; you mothers, join them in praises to the
Queen and Mother, as she enters the temple of Christ the
O Trinity, one in essence, Father, Word, and Holy Spirit,
with faith we glorify You as Maker of all, and in
reverence we cry: Save us, O God.
The King and God goes forth wearing the purple dyed from
your blood, O All-Undefiled. He has renewed all mankind in
His compassion.
Katavasia (Tone 1) Christ is born, give glory.
Christ comes from heaven, meet Him. Christ is on earth, be
exalted. O all the earth, sing unto the Lord, and sing
praises in gladness, O people, for He has been glorified.
First Canon
Irmos O Mother of God, living and plentiful fount,
give strength to those united in spiritual fellowship, who
sing hymns of praise to you: and on this day of your
venerable entry, vouchsafe unto them crowns of
Refrain: Most holy Theotokos, save us.
Today has the temple become a wedding adornment and a fair
chamber for the Virgin, as it receives the living Bridal
Chamber of God, pure and without spot, she who shines more
brightly than all the creation.
David, leading the dance, leaps in gladness and rejoices
with us, and you, O undefiled and all-pure Virgin, he
calls the Queen, clad in raiment of many-coloured
needlework, standing in the temple before the King and
From Eve of old the transgression came upon mankind, and
now from Eve’s stock has flowered forth our
restoration and incorruption, even the Theotokos, who is
brought today into the house of God.
The hosts of angels and the multitude of all mankind dance
today before your face, O all-pure Lady, and carrying
lamps they go before you, proclaiming your greatness in
the house of God.
Second Canon
Irmos Let my heart be established in Your will, O
Christ my God, who has established the second heaven above
the waters, and has founded the earth upon the floods, in
Your almighty power.
Refrain: Most holy Theotokos, save us.
O You who love the feasts, celebrate and be glad in
spirit, exulting today in the holy feast of the Daughter
of the King and the Mother of our God.
Be glad today, O Joachim, and rejoice exceedingly in
spirit, O Ann, who now present unto the Lord your
daughter, as a three-year old victim of sacrifice, holy
and utterly without spot.
Dwelling-place of God, the Theotokos Mary, three years old
after the flesh, is offered in the holy temple, and the
virgins her companions, carrying lamps, go before
The ewe-lamb of God without spot, the dove without
blemish, the tabernacle that is to hold God, the sanctuary
of the glory, has chosen to dwell in the holy
Three years old in the flesh and many years old in spirit,
more spacious than the heavens and higher than the powers
above, let the Bride of God be praised in song.
Celebrating the coming of the Theotokos into the
sanctuary, let us too, carrying lamps today in spirit, go
in joy with the virgins to the temple.
Priests of God, clothe yourselves by grace in
righteousness, going in joy to meet the Daughter of the
King and God as she enters the Holy Place.
The Father is Light, His Son is Light, and the Spirit, the
Comforter, is Light: for, shining forth as from one sun,
the Trinity divinely illuminates and preserves our
The prophets proclaimed you in ages past, speaking of you
as ark of holiness, golden censer, candlestick, and table;
and we sing your praises as the Tabernacle that held
Katavasia To the Son who was begotten of the
Father without change before all ages, and in the last
times was without seed made flesh of the Virgin, to Christ
our God let us cry aloud: You have raised up our horn,
holy are You, O Lord.
(Tone 4) Cry out, O David, what is this present
feast?* Is it for her of whom you have sung in the Book of
Psalms,* calling her Daughter, Child of God and Virgin,
saying:* ‘Her companions the virgins that follow her
shall be mystically led unto the King?’* Make this
feast to be held in honour throughout all the world by
those who cry:* The Theotokos is come among us, mediator
of salvation.
Glory… Now… [Repeat]
First Canon
Irmos Perceiving the unsearchable purpose of God
concerning Your Incarnation from a Virgin, O Most High,
the prophet Habakkuk cried: Glory to Your power, O
Refrain: Most holy Theotokos, save us.
Today the house of God receives the Gate through which
none may pass; so it has brought an end to the worship
commanded by the shadow of the Law, and it cries aloud:
‘Verily the truth has appeared to those on
The overshadowed mountain that Habakkuk foresaw and
announced prophetically in days of old, has come to dwell
within the sanctuary of the temple; there she has put
forth flowers of virtue and with her shadow she covers the
ends of the earth.
Let us, with all the earth, look upon these marvellous,
strange, and wonderful events: how the Virgin, receiving
food from an angel, offers us an image of the divine
Appearing as a Temple and a Palace and living Heaven, you
are dedicated today in the temple of the Law, to be kept
therein, O undefiled Bride of God.
Second Canon
Irmos O prophet Habakkuk, you have foreseen in spirit
the Incarnation of the Word, and have proclaimed crying:
‘You shall be acknowledged when the years draw nigh;
You shall be made manifest when the times come. Glory to
Your power, O Lord.’
Refrain: Most holy Theotokos, save us.
O prophet Isaiah, prophesy to us: who is the Virgin that
shall conceive? ‘It is she who has come forth from
the root of Judah and who was born of David the King,
glorious fruit of a holy seed.’
O virgins, begin your songs, and with lamps in hand praise
the advance of the pure Theotokos, who now enters the
temple of the Lord, and keep feast with us.
Be glad, O Joachim and Ann, who now present unto the Lord
in the temple, as a three-year old victim of sacrifice,
your daughter that shall be the pure Mother of Christ our
God, the King of all.
O venerable Holy of Holies, you love to dwell in the holy
temple; and you abide, O Virgin, in converse with angels,
receiving bread most marvellously from heaven, O you who
sustains our life.
When all hope was gone, Joachim and Ann gave birth to the
undefiled Virgin, and in piety they promised to offer her
to God. Today they fulfil their promise, giving their
child as a sacrifice in the house of God.
The rod of Aaron once put forth shoot, prefiguring, O
undefiled Virgin, your divine childbirth. For without seed
shall you conceive and not suffer corruption; and after
bearing child shall you remain Virgin, giving suck to a
babe who is God of all.
Virgins, with piety hasten to the Virgin, and mothers to
the Mother: together let us honour the Child born to
Joachim and Ann, as a blameless Sanctuary, and the Mother
that bore Christ, as a holy Tree bringing forth fruit to
God. Let us all joyously keep feast.
Three in Persons, One in nature, in reverence we glorify
the true God whose praises the hosts of angels and
archangels sing as Master of the Creation; and in faith we
all worship Him for ever.
O pure and undefiled Virgin, pray without ceasing to thy
Son and God, whom you have conceived in the flesh, that He
may deliver all thy servants from the manifold snares of
the devil and from every temptation that assails us.
Katavasia Rod of the root of Jesse, and flower
that blossomed from his stem, O Christ, You have sprung
from the Virgin. From the Mountain overshadowed by the
forest You have come, made flesh from her that knew not
wedlock, O God who are not formed from matter. Glory to
Your power, O Lord.’
First Canon
Irmos The whole world was amazed at your venerable
entry. For you, O Virgin who have not known wedlock,
yourself a Temple most pure, have gone within the temple
of God, bestowing peace upon all who sing your
Refrain: Most holy Theotokos, save us.
Glorious sanctuary and holy offering, today the most pure
Virgin is dedicated in the temple of God; and in ways
which He alone understands, she is kept as a
dwelling-place for our God, the King of all.
Seeing the beauty of thy soul, O undefiled Virgin,
Zacharias cried out with faith: ‘You are our
deliverance, you are the joy of all. You are our
restoration, through whom the Incomprehensible appears
comprehensible to me.’
O Virgin all-undefiled, past understanding are your
wonders! Strange is the manner of your birth: strange is
the manner of your growing. Strange and most marvellous
are all things concerning you, O Bride of God, and they
are beyond the telling of mortal man.
O candlestick with many lights, O Bride of God, you have
shone forth today in the house of the Lord, and you give
us light through the holy gifts of grace from your
wonders, O pure and far-famed Theotokos.
Second Canon
Irmos O Christ our Master and God who loves man,
cause the radiant and everlasting light to shine upon us,
who ponder early in the morning upon the judgements of
Your commandments.
Refrain: Most holy Theotokos, save us.
Let us, the Orthodox, all hasten together with our lamps
and glorify the Mother of God, for today she is offered to
the Lord as an acceptable sacrifice.
Let the forefathers rejoice exceedingly today, O Lady, and
let her that bore you make glad with your father: for
their fruit is led unto the Lord.
Let us all, keeping feast in faith, sing the praises of
the undefiled Maiden, most glorious and of many names, for
she conceived in the flesh the divine Victim and
sacrificial Offering.
The contract of your betrothal, the divine tokens of your
Motherhood past understanding, O pure Virgin, are written
today by the Holy Spirit in the house of God.
Let the forecourt of the glory of our God be opened and
let it receive, as a victim of sacrifice three years old
and without blemish, the Mother of God who was never to
know wedlock.
Let us sing the praises of that greatly venerated and
overshadowed mountain, the ever-Virgin who became the
Mother of God. For she has made light shine to the ends of
the earth.
Let us glorify and worship the one Godhead in three
Persons, undivided by nature and equal in glory, that was
before the beginning and ever shall be.
We have your intercession, O Mother of God, as a fair
haven and an unassailable rampart in times of trouble, and
we are ever delivered from danger and affliction.
Katavasia As You are God of peace and Father of
mercies, You have sent unto us Your Angel of great
counsel, granting us peace. So are we guided towards the
light of the knowledge of God, and watching by night we
glorify You, O Lover of mankind.
First Canon
Irmos As we celebrate this sacred and solemn feast of
the Mother of God, let us come, clapping our hands, O
people of the Lord, and give glory to God who was born of
Refrain: Most holy Theotokos, save us.
He who supports all things with His word, in His mercy has
hearkened unto the prayer of righteous Joachim and Ann: He
has loosed them from the disease of barrenness and given
them her that is the cause of our joy.
The Lord, wishing to make known to the Gentiles His
salvation, has now chosen from among men her that knew not
wedlock, to be a sign of reconciliation and renewal.
Being yourself, O Undefiled, a house of grace, in which
are laid the treasures of the ineffable dispensation of
God, you partake of boundless joy in the temple.
Having received you as a royal diadem, O Bride of God, the
temple shone with beauty and gave place to better things,
seeing in you the fulfilment of the prophecies.
Second Canon
Irmos With the prophet Jonah I shout: O You who are
good, deliver my life from corruption and save me, O
Saviour of the world, as I cry: Glory to You.
Refrain: Most holy Theotokos, save us.
O faithful, let us feast in spirit the Mother of God,
singing her praises with piety. For she is indeed more
holy than the heavenly powers.
O faithful, let us praise in spiritual songs the Mother of
the Light, for today has she been manifested to us as she
enters the temple of God.
The ewe-lamb without blemish, the pure dove, is brought as
an offering to dwell in the house of God: the undefiled
Virgin who was foreordained to become the Mother of
The Temple of God, the heavenly Tabernacle, accomplished
her entry into the temple of the Law, and from her the
Light has shone on us in darkness.
A child in the flesh but perfect in soul, the holy Ark
enters into the house of God, there to feed upon divine
By your intercessions set us free from every temptation
and danger of soul, for we run to you, O far-famed Mother
of Christ our God.
Father, Son, and Spirit of righteousness, Unity in three
persons and undivided Trinity, have mercy upon those who
worship Your divine power.
He whom nothing can contain was contained in your womb, O
undefiled Mother of God, and from you He has come forth
double in nature, God and Man.
Katavasia The sea monster spat forth Jonah as it
had received him, like a babe from the womb: while the
Word, having dwelled in the Virgin and taken flesh, came
forth from her yet kept her uncorrupt. For being Himself
not subject to decay, He preserved His Mother free from
(Tone 4) The Saviour’s pure temple,* the
precious bridal chamber and Virgin,* the sacred treasury
of the glory of God,* is brought today into the house of
the Lord; * and with her she brings the grace* of the
divine Spirit.* God’s angels sing in praise of her:*
She is indeed the heavenly dwelling place.
Seeing the grace of the secret mysteries of God made
manifest and clearly fulfilled in the Virgin, I rejoice;
and I know not how to understand the strange and secret
manner whereby the Undefiled has been revealed as alone
chosen above all creation, visible and spiritual.
Therefore, wishing to praise her, I am struck dumb with
amazement in both mind and speech. Yet still I dare to
proclaim and magnify her: She is indeed the heavenly
First Canon
Irmos The Holy Children bravely trampled upon the
threatening fire, preferring not to worship created things
rather than the Creator, and they sang in joy:
‘Blessed are You and praised above all, O Lord God
of our fathers.’
Refrain: Most holy Theotokos, save us.
Lo, a glad springtime has shone now to the ends of the
earth, making our soul and understanding and mind bright
through grace: for today is the feast of the Theotokos.
Let us rejoice mystically.
Today let all things, heaven and earth, the ranks of
angels and the multitude of mortal men, attend the Queen
and Mother, and let them cry aloud: ‘Joy and
deliverance is led into the temple.’
The written Law has passed away and vanished as a shadow,
and the rays of grace have shone forth at your entry into
the temple of God, O undefiled Virgin Mother, who are for
ever blessed.
O undefiled Lady, heaven and earth and the things beneath
the earth have been brought into subjection to your Son as
Maker and God, and all mortal tongues confess that the
Lord has appeared, the Saviour of our souls.’
Second Canon
Irmos The furnace was sprinkled with dew, O Saviour,
and the Children danced for joy as they sang: ‘O God
of our fathers, blessed are You.’
Refrain: Most holy Theotokos, save us.
Let us exult today in the joy of the feast; let us honour,
as is meet, Joachim and Ann, and let us sing the praises
of the undefiled Virgin.
Let David prophesy, who said in the spirit: ‘Virgins
shall be brought after you; they shall be brought into the
temple to the Queen and Mother.’
The ranks of angels rejoiced exceedingly and spirits of
the righteous were glad, when the Mother of God was led
into the sanctuary.
Mary without spot rejoiced in body and spirit, dwelling as
a sacred vessel in the temple of the Lord.
Receiving heavenly food, she who was to become the Mother
of Christ the Saviour according to the flesh, increased in
wisdom and grace.
Your wise parents led you to the innermost part of the
temple, O undefiled Virgin, there to be brought up in
strange fashion and prepared as dwelling-place for Christ
our God.
Let us glorify the undivided Trinity, let us sing the
praises of the one Godhead, the Father, the Word, and the
Most Holy Spirit.
Pray the Lord whom you have borne, for He is compassionate
by nature, to save the souls of those that sing your
praises, O Mother of God.
Katavasia Scorning the impious decree, the
Children brought up together in godliness feared not the
threat of fire, but, standing in the midst of the flames,
they sang: ‘O God of our fathers, blessed are
First Canon
Irmos Hearken, O pure Virgin Maid: let Gabriel tell
you the counsel of the Most High that is ancient and true.
Make ready to receive God: for through you the
Incomprehensible comes to dwell with mortal men. Therefore
I cry rejoicing: O all you works of the Lord, bless the
Refrain: Most holy Theotokos, save us.
As Ann led the undefiled Temple into the house of God, she
cried aloud and said with faith to the priest: ‘Take
the child given to me by God and lead her into the temple
of thy Creator, and sing unto Him with joy: O all you
works of the Lord, bless the Lord.’
When he saw Ann, Zacharias said to her in spirit:
‘You lead here the true Mother of life, whom the
prophets of God heralded from afar as the Theotokos: and
how shall the temple contain her? Therefore in wonder I
cry: O all you works of the Lord, bless the
‘I stand here as the suppliant of God,’
answered Ann to him, ‘calling upon Him with faith
and prayer to receive the fruit of my travail. For I
promised that after childbirth I would present my child to
Him who gave her to me. Therefore, leaping for joy, I cry:
O all you works of the Lord, bless the Lord.’
‘Truly this act is in accordance with the
Law’, said the priest to her. ‘I perceive that
this is a thing wholly strange: for I see led into the
house of God her who wondrously surpasses the sanctuary in
grace. Therefore I cry in joy: O all you works of the
Lord, bless the Lord.’
‘Hearing your words,’ said Ann to him,
‘I am filled with new strength. For you understand
these things by the Spirit of God, and hast clearly
announced what shall come to pass in the Virgin. Take,
then, the Undefiled into the temple of your Creator, and
sing unto Him in joy: O all you works of the Lord, bless
the Lord.’
‘A Lamp that gives light has been kindled for
us,’ cried the priest, ‘and has made mighty
joy shine in the temple. Let the souls of the prophets
make glad with me, as they see strange wonders
accomplished in the house of God, and let them now cry
out: O all you works of the Lord, bless the Lord.’
Second Canon
Irmos Him before whom the angels and all the hosts of
heaven are afraid, their Creator and Lord, O priests
praise, O children glorify, O people bless and exalt above
all for ever.
Refrain: Most holy Theotokos, save us.
Bright with joy today, Joachim makes glad; and Ann,
without reproach, offers unto the Lord God the sacrifice
given to her according to the promise, her holy
The saints David and Jesse exult today and Judah is filled
with pride. For from their root a branch has sprung, the
pure Virgin from whom pre-eternal God is to be born.
Today Mary, the undefiled and living Tabernacle, is
offered up in the house of God, and Zacharias receives her
in his hands as a holy treasure of the Lord.
As a Gate of salvation and a spiritual Mountain, as a
living Ladder, let us, the faithful, honour the true
Virgin and Mother of God, who is blessed by the hands of
the priests.
Prophets, apostles and martyrs of Christ, ranks of angels
and all the dwellers upon earth, let us honour with hymns
the pure Virgin, for she is the blessed Mother of the Most
They that divinely bore you, O Undefiled and Pure, offered
you in the temple as a spotless sacrifice; and in strange
fashion you lodge in the sanctuary of God, there to be
prepared as a dwelling-place for the Word.
We bless the Lord, Father, Son, and Holy
Let ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’ be sung to Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit, indivisible Unity, one Godhead, that
holds all creation in the hollow of the hand unto all
He who is without beginning, begins: from a Virgin Maid
the Word is born in the flesh according to His good
pleasure, God and mortal man, and in His extreme
compassion He refashions us who had fallen.
We praise, bless, and worship the Lord; we extol and
exalt Him above all for ever.
Katavasia The furnace moist with dew was the image
and figure of a wonder past nature. For it burned not the
Children whom it had received, even as the fire of the
Godhead consumed not the Virgin’s womb into which it
had descended. Therefore in praise let us sing: Let the
whole creation bless the Lord and exalt Him above all for
First Canon
Beholding the entry of the All-Pure,
the angels were struck with amazement,
seeing how the Virgin entered into the Holy of
Irmos Let no profane hand touch the living Ark of
God, but let the lips of the faithful, singing without
ceasing the words of the Angel to the Theotokos, cry aloud
in great joy: O pure Virgin, thou art truly high above
Beholding the entry of the All-Pure,
the angels were struck with amazement,
seeing how the Virgin entered into the Holy of
O pure Theotokos, you have a clean and shining beauty of
soul, and are filled from heaven with the grace of God.
You ever enlighten with eternal light those who cry aloud
in gladness: O pure Virgin, you are truly high above
Beholding the entry of the All-Pure,
the angels were struck with amazement,
seeing how the Virgin entered into the Holy of
Your wonders, O pure Theotokos, surpass the power of
words. For in you I see something beyond speech: a body
that was never subject to the taint of sin. Therefore in
thanksgiving I cry to you: O pure Virgin, you are truly
high above all.
Angels and men, let us honour the entry of the
for in glory she has gone into the Holy of Holies.
The Law prefigured thee most wonderfully as tabernacle,
jar of manna, strange ark, veil of the temple, rod of
Aaron, temple never to be destroyed, and gate of
God;’ and so it teaches us to cry to you: O pure
Virgin, you are truly high above all.
Beholding the entry of the All-Pure,
the angels were struck with amazement,
seeing how the Virgin entered into the Holy of
David sang in honour of you, calling you the daughter of
the King, for he saw you in the beauty of the virtues, in
raiment of many-coloured needlework, at the right hand of
God; therefore in prophecy he cried aloud: O pure Virgin,
you are truly high above all.
O angels, dance with the saints: O virgins, make glad with
For the Child of God has entered into the Holy of
Solomon, foreseeing how you were to receive God, spoke of
you in dark sayings as the gate of the King and the living
fountain sealed, from which came forth untroubled waters
unto us who cry aloud with faith: O pure Virgin, you are
truly high above all.
Angels and men, let us magnify the Virgin in hymns,
for she has entered into the Holy of Holies, as was
divinely fit.
Grant to my soul, O Theotokos, the calm peace that comes
from your gifts of grace. You are a fountain of life unto
those that honour you as is due; you surround, protect,
and preserve us that we may cry aloud to you: O pure
Virgin, you are truly high above all.
Second Canon
Megalynarion (sung before the irmos and the
O my soul,
magnify her who was led into the temple of the Lord
and blessed by the hands of the priests.
Irmos Let us all magnify the radiant cloud, in
which the Master of all descended, as dew from heaven upon
the fleece,’ and for our sake took flesh and was
made man, He who is without beginning: for she is the pure
Mother of our God.
From the righteous Joachim and Ann a fruit came forth
according to the promise, Mary the Child of God. A young
girl after the flesh, as acceptable incense she is offered
in the holy temple, that she who is herself holy may dwell
in the Holy Place.
Let us praise in hymns the child by nature who was shown
forth as Mother beyond nature. For today she is offered to
the Lord in the temple of the Law as a sweet-smelling
savour, the spiritual fruit of her righteous
O faithful, offering to the Theotokos the salutation of
the angel, let us raise our cry: Hail! O Bride most
beautiful. Hail! bright cloud; from thee the Lord has
shone forth upon us as we sat in the darkness of
ignorance. Hail! you Hope of all.
All the creation joins the angel Gabriel, crying out to
the Theotokos in fitting song: Hail! undefiled Mother of
God. Through you we have been delivered from the ancient
curse and have become partakers of incorruption.
O Holy of Holies and pure Mother of God, Mary, from the
snares of the enemy and from every heresy and affliction,
at your intercessions set us free who venerate with faith
the ikon of your holy form.
Far greater than the cherubim, high above the seraphim,
and more spacious than the heavens, are you shown forth, O
Virgin, for you have contained in your womb our God whom
nothing can contain, and have ineffably borne Him: entreat
Him earnestly on our behalf.
O my soul, magnify the power of the indivisible
Godhead in three Persons.
Let us glorify the one Nature in three Persons, the one
indivisible glory, the undivided Trinity in one Godhead
that is praised without ceasing in heaven and on earth; in
piety let us worship the Father, with the Son and the
O my soul, magnify her who is greater in honour and
more glorious than the hosts above.
O Virgin Mother of God, intercede for those who with faith
seek refuge beneath thy compassion, and who piously
worship thy Son as God and Lord of the world, that they be
delivered from corruption and danger and manifold
Beholding the entry of the All-Pure, the angels were
struck with amazement, seeing how the Virgin entered into
the Holy of Holies.
Katavasia A strange and most wonderful mystery do I
see: the cave is heaven; the Virgin the throne of the
cherubim; the manger a room, in which Christ, the God whom
nothing can contain, is laid. Him do we praise and
Hymn Of Light, Tone 3
Let us praise in faith Mary the Child of God,* whom long
ago the assembly of prophets foretold,* speaking of her as
jar of manna and Aaron’s rod,* tablet of the Law and
uncut mountain.* For she is led today into the Holy of
Holies, there to be brought up to the Lord.
Let us praise in faith Mary the Child of God,* whom long ago the assembly of prophets foretold,* speaking of her as jar of manna and Aaron’s rod,* tablet of the Law and uncut mountain.* For she is led today into the Holy of Holies, there to be brought up to the Lord.
Let us praise in faith Mary the Child of God,* whom long ago the assembly of prophets foretold,* speaking of her as jar of manna and Aaron’s rod,* tablet of the Law and uncut mountain.* For she is led today into the Holy of Holies, there to be brought up to the Lord.
At The Praises, Tone 1
The virgins bearing lamps, who with their light accompany
the ever-Virgin,* verily prophesy the future in Spirit.*
For the Temple of God, the Theotokos, with virginal glory
enters* as a little child into the temple.
The Theotokos, glorious fruit of a sacred promise,* is truly revealed unto the world as higher than all creation.* Piously led into the house of God,* she fulfils the vow of her parents* and she is preserved by the Holy Spirit.
O Virgin, fed in faith by heavenly bread in the temple of the Lord,* you have brought forth unto the world the Bread of life that is the Word;* and as His chosen Temple without spot, you were betrothed mystically through the Spirit,* to be the Bride of God the Father.
Let the gate of the temple wherein God dwells be opened:* for Joachim brings within today in glory the Temple and Throne of the King of all,* and he consecrates as an offering to God* her whom the Lord has chosen to be His Mother.
In Tone 2, Glory… Now…
Today the Virgin without blemish is led to the temple,* to become the habitation of God the King of all, who sustains our life.* Today as a three-year-old victim of sacrifice the most pure Sanctuary is led into the Holy of Holies.* To her let us cry out with the angel:* Hail! you who alone are blessed among women.
Troparion, Tone 4
Today is the prelude of the good pleasure of God,* and the
proclamation of salvation for the human race.* In the
Temple of God* the Virgin is clearly revealed* and
beforehand announces Christ to all.* To her, then, let us
cry aloud with a mighty voice:* Rejoice, fulfilment of the
Creator’s plan.
Troparia and Kontakia
Troparion, Tone 4: Today is the prelude of the
good pleasure of God,* and the proclamation of salvation
for the human race.* In the Temple of God* the Virgin is
clearly revealed,* and beforehand announces Christ to
all.* To her, then, let us cry aloud with a mighty voice:*
Rejoice, fulfilment of the Creator’s plan.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.
Kontakion, Tone 4: The Saviour’s pure temple,* the precious bridal chamber and Virgin,* the sacred treasury of the glory of God,* is brought today into the house of the Lord;* and with her she brings the grace of the divine Spirit.* God’s angels sing in praise of her:* She is indeed the heavenly dwelling-place.
Prokeimenon, Tone 3
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in
God my Saviour.
verse: Because he has regarded the humility of
His handmaid; for behold, all generations shall call me
blessed. (Luke 1:46-48)
Hebrew 9:1-7
Alleluia, Tone 8
verse: Hear, O daughter, and see, and incline
your ear.
verse: The rich among the people shall entreat
your countenance. (Psalm 44:11,13)
Luke 10:38-42, 11:27-28
Hymn to the Mother of God
Seeing the entrance of the pure one, angels marvel in
wonder how the Virgin could enter the holy of
And the Irmos, Tone 4: Let no hand of the profane
touch God’s living ark,* but instead let the lips of
those who are believers* sing out ceaselessly in the words
of the angel,* crying out with great joy to the Mother of
God:* O pure Virgin,* you are truly higher than all.
Communion Hymn
I will take the cup of salvation;* and I will call upon
the name of the Lord.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia.
(Psalm 115:13)
SOURCE: Royal Doors