Extremists threatening Desyatinny Monastery in Kiev

Kiev, March 1, 2014

The Desyatina Monastery in Kiev is receiving threats. According to Pravoslavie v Ukraine (Orthodoxy in the Ukraine), on February 28 an appeal from the Kiev-based cell of the "Nastup" All-Ukrainian committee was spread in the Internet. The "Nastup" All-Ukrainian committee is accusing the Desyatinny Monastery of a desire to grab the lands of Desyatinny Lane and is going to speak for its prevention. At 12.00 on March 1 the activists issued a call to gather and "give together a fitting rebuff to the raiders from Moscow". During the conflicts in February on Independence Square in Kiev, brothers from the Desyatina Monastery stood vigil in the center for several days, and were able to stop the violence for that time.


The brethren of the Desyatina Monastery are aware of the campaign against them, which is being prepared by the activists, and are asking all the faithful to support them, first of all, by prayer.

Hieromonk Melchizedek of the monastery is calling who can to come and support the brethren.

At 12.00 a prayer service for peace in the Ukraine and for softening of evil hearts will be performed in the monastery. Everybody is welcome!



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