Thanksgiving service to be performed in Chersonese on June 19

Chersonese, June 13, 2014


On June 19 at 12:00 on the square before St. Vladimir’s Cathedral in Chersonese a thanksgiving service is to be held before the Myrrh-Streaming Icon of the Mother of God, "Softening of Evil Hearts", reports the Sevastopol Deanery’s website.

All Sevastopol residents are welcome to participate in the joint prayer as a token of gratitude for the bloodless return of the Crimea back home.

The Icon of the Mother of God, “Softening of Evil Hearts”, will be brought to Sevastopol by the efforts of the “Restoration of Orthodox Shrines of Russia” charitable foundation (Moscow, president – Sergei Shalimov) already for the second time over the year. For the first time the icon visited Sevastopol on March 2, on the Sunday of Forgiveness; then on Nakhimov Square an prayer service for peace was performed before the wonder-working icon.

This icon, produced in “Sofrino” (the official factory of the Russian Orthodox Church, located in the Sofrino village near Moscow), began shedding myrrh in 1998 on the same day when it was put to the Holy Relics of newly-canonized St. Matrona of Moscow. Since then the icon has been travelling all over the world, giving consolation to the suffering, healing the sick, helping those who ask for forgiveness, mercy and support from Christ the Savior and His Most Pure Mother.


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