Students of the Don Seminary help with refugees from the Ukraine

Rostov-on-Don, June 23, 2014

Students of the Don Theological Seminary started assisting involuntary refugees from the Ukraine on June 19, 2014, when the first bus with refugees arrived to Rostov-on-the-Don.

The seminary students voluntarily offered their assistance receiving the people, whom they are temporarily accommodating in the residence hall of the Southern Federal University on Lenin Street, reports Don Pravoslavni.

Before beginning work with the refugees, the students of the Theological-Pastoral Department and the Choir Conductors and Singing Department of the Don Theological Seminary were given specific instructions. After that, discussions were held with each family arriving from the Ukraine. The seminary students drew up lists of necessary things for the centralized provision of refugees, which will be carried out through the Social Department of the Rostov-on-Don Diocese. The young people gave sweets to the children refugees.

On June 20, information on the arrival of another bus with Ukrainian citizens was received. They were to be accommodated in the residence hall of the Southern Federal University on Zorge Street. The volunteers from the seminary met the bus, helped carry the people’s belongings, talked with adults and children.

In the following days the seminary students continued visiting the families with whom they got acquainted, communicated with them, learned what they needed and helped them in their needs. The young people found the necessary words of consolation and strengthening, supported them by prayer.

At the present time the seminary administration is resolving the question of the seminary students’ permanent participation in spiritual guidance and psychological support to the refugees coming to Rostov-on-Don.


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