Orthodox Christians of the Czech Lands and Slovakia praying for the Ukraine

Prague, July 30, 2014


The Prague Diocese of the Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia has spread the information that with the blessing of Archbishop Joachim of Prague on August 3-10, 2014, every day prayers for peace in the Ukraine will be offered up at Divine Liturgies at one of Prague Orthodox churches, reports Patriarchia.ru.

“Orthodox believers in the Czech lands are following the ongoing dramatic events in the Ukraine with aching hearts. At all parishes of our Church for many weeks we have prayed for the Ukrainian people during the services,” the press service’s statement reads. “A great number of Ukrainian citizens found their new home (temporarily or forever) in the Czech Republic over last few decades, and many of them have become active members of our Local Orthodox Church.”

“We empathize with our brothers and sisters in the faith and express our deep concern in connection with the deaths of many people and other tragic consequences caused by the current conflict.

The Ukraine is a country with a 1000-year-old Orthodox Christian culture, so we do not cease to believe that in spite of the today’s fighting and discord, Christian conscience and an understanding of Christ’s commandment to love for one’s neighbor will ultimately win: regardless of our neighbor’s nationality and political views. Christian values, inherent in the Orthodox culture of the Ukrainian people, must be victorious over the differences, however fundamental and serious they may seem,” the message notes.



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