Russian emergencies ministry humanitarian convoy sets off for Donbass

Source: Novorossia Today

October 29, 2015


Russia’s emergencies ministry has sent yet another humanitarian convoy to Donbass, a ministry spokesman told TASS on Thursday.

“A convoy with humanitarian air for residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics set off from the Russian emergencies ministry’s Don rescue centre at 04:00 Moscow time. More than 100 trucks are to deliver more than 1,100 tonnes of humanitarian cargo, primarily food products,” the spokesman said.

The convoy was gathered over less than one week. Humanitarian cargoes have been traditionally raised by public and trade union organizations from various Russian regions.

Three more humanitarian convoys are planned to be dispatched to Donbass in November.

Since mid-August 2014, the Russian emergencies ministry has sent 42 humanitarian convoys to the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. More than 51,000 tonnes of humanitarian cargoes have been delivered in Donbass over that period.

Novorossia Today


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