Bishop Paul to offer opening prayer, remarks at January 17 Chicago March for Life

Source: Diocese of the Midwest (OCA)

December 18, 2015


Priest Andrew Bartek, Rector of Saint Panteleimon Church, Summit; member of the Chicago March for Life board; and Spiritual Advisor to Orthodox Christians for Life, recently announced that His Grace, Bishop Paul of Chicago and the Midwest will deliver the opening prayer and offer remarks at the annual March for Life Chicago on Sunday, January 17, 2016. The March will begin at 2:00 p.m. at Federal Plaza, 50 West Adams, Chicago.

“It is anticipated to be the largest pro-life gathering in Illinois, doubling from last year, between 8,000 to 10,000 people,” said Father Andrew. “We encourage all deanery and local Orthodox clergy and faithful to attend and gather under the ‘Orthodox Christians for Life’ banner at 1:45 p.m. to give voice to those who do not have one in the fight against abortion.

“There will be additional presentations by a number of noted religious and civic leaders, including Roman Catholic Archbishop Blasé Cupich and Jessica Lauer, who will give remarks about her life after an abortion,” Father Andrew added. “The march will begin at the Federal Plaza and continue past city and state government buildings, returning back to Federal Plaza. Congressmen Randy Hultgren (R) and Dan Lipinski (D) also will address the gathering at 4:00 p.m.”

Ample parking is available across the street from the event itself and within a two block radius of Federal Plaza.

“The March for Life Chicago message is one of love and hope,” stated Emily Zender, President of March for Life Chicago.

A flyer may be viewed or downloaded here.

Additional information may be found on-line at or by contacting Father Andrew Bartek at or 708-552-5276.

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