VIDEO: Fr. Theodore Zisis on the Upcoming Great and Holy Council, Part 1

Source: Youtube

January 28, 2016

Fr. Theodoros Zisis is Emeritus Professor of Patrology and former Chair of the Department of Pastoral and Social Theology at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. In the video below Fr. Theodore, known as a staunch defender of traditional, patristic Orthodoxy, offers his thoughts on the upcoming Great and Holy Council, the decades of preparatory councils in which he sometimes took part, and the themes to be discussed:

Part 2

See also
Ecumenical Patriarch: “The Holy and Great Synod is of direct and vital interest both for the Orthodox, and for the rest of the Christian world” Ecumenical Patriarch: “The Holy and Great Synod is of direct and vital interest both for the Orthodox, and for the rest of the Christian world” Ecumenical Patriarch: “The Holy and Great Synod is of direct and vital interest both for the Orthodox, and for the rest of the Christian world” Ecumenical Patriarch: “The Holy and Great Synod is of direct and vital interest both for the Orthodox, and for the rest of the Christian world”
Referring to the fact that even before the meeting of the Holy and Great Synod, some “fighters for Orthodoxy” call it a robber council, the Ecumenical Patriarch asked what kind of authority will its decisions have, and what will be the canonical consequences for disobeying the decisions.
New Book: Ecumenism: Origins, Expectations, Disenchantment: The Proceedings of a Pan-Orthodox Conference, Available From Uncut Mountain Press New Book: Ecumenism: Origins, Expectations, Disenchantment: The Proceedings of a Pan-Orthodox Conference, Available From Uncut Mountain Press New Book: Ecumenism: Origins, Expectations, Disenchantment: The Proceedings of a Pan-Orthodox Conference, Available From Uncut Mountain Press New Book: Ecumenism: Origins, Expectations, Disenchantment: The Proceedings of a Pan-Orthodox Conference, Available From Uncut Mountain Press
For nearly 100 years the contemporary movement for the unification of Christianity has enjoyed the involvement of the Orthodox. Yet, despite the objections of many Orthodox Christians, the divisions among them which have developed on account of this participation, and the apparent lack of real progress toward the desired goal, there has never been a critical Pan-Orthodox examination of the phenomenon and Orthodox participation in it. This historic conference, sponsored by the School of Pastoral Theology of the University of Thessaloniki and the Society of Orthodox Studies, promises to fill this gap.
St. John of Damascus and the ‘Orthodoxy’ of the Non-Chalcedonians St. John of Damascus and the ‘Orthodoxy’ of the Non-Chalcedonians
Protopresbyter Theodore Zisis
St. John of Damascus and the ‘Orthodoxy’ of the Non-Chalcedonians St. John of Damascus and the ‘Orthodoxy’ of the Non-Chalcedonians
Protopresbyter Theodore Zisis
Assuredly, the Holy Fathers and the venerable Elders did not have less love and understanding than the contemporary champions of union. On the contrary, their attitude was based on a pastoral and pedagogical concern that those who had deviated should become aware of their error and be led to the correct faith, which is the indispensable prerequisite for salvation. He who speaks the truth has love, even if he causes distress at the outset and creates a reaction, not he who misleads and conceals the truth, taking account of temporary human relations and not of eternal realities.
Paok2/2/2016 8:07 am
Axios! Axios! Axios!
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