Exhibition Dedicated to Nicholas II and His Family Opens in Kaluga

Source: Royal Russia

March 10, 2016


A new exhibition, The Imperial Family. The Way of Love, dedicated to Emperor Nicholas II and his family opened March 10 in the Taneyev Concert Hall in the Russian city of Kaluga. The exhibit was organised by the Mogilev Diocese of the Belarusian Orthodox Church.

The exhibition features photographs of the Imperial family, reproductions of paintings by Pavel Ryzhenko (1970-2014), diary records, eyewitness accounts, biographies of representatives of the royal family, and other documents. The exhibits tell the story of the life and reign of Russia’s last emperor, and his service to the Fatherland.

The exhibition, The Imperial Family. The Way of Love, runs until 10 April 2016 in the Taneyev Concert Hall in Kaluga, Belarus.

Jayne Sergent2/18/2020 7:15 am
I am happy this family is being recognized despite the events of the past. No human beings deserve what happened to them. May they rest in peace.
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