The Recent Shootings: Conspiracy Defense vs. Church Calendar Offense

Dean W. Arnold


The recent shootings: did they happen as advertised by the media … or not? I am always suspicious—and I will talk more about that—yet either way, all of us are talking about the shootings. And that is where we can get defeated. But there is a way to victory.

Who sets the agenda? The agenda for life, the agenda for talking points, the agenda for daily discussion, the agenda for larger, group concerns—events, celebrations, memorials, and demonstrations?

These days, it appears the news outlets do that job. Last week (when I originally wrote this article), nineteen Yezidi women were burned to death for refusing sex to extremists in the Middle East. Twenty were killed in Syria by a suicide bomber. But we were not talking much about that. We were talking about Orlando. Or Dallas. Or France, or Munich, et al. Why? Because that is what major media outlets are jointly blasting 24/7. Before that, we binged on San Bernadino, Paris, Charleston. The list seems to be growing at curious speed. We also observe the anniversaries of these strange mass murders.


Should we question the media stories, even something as large as these mass shootings? Absolutely. Consider this video by former Gore and Clinton campaign consultant Naomi Wolf (now a journalist published by outlets such as The Guardian, The Nation, National Review, and Huffington Post). She says, “We’ve entered an era where it is not crazy to assess news events to see if they are real or not real … in fact, it’s kind of crazy not to.” She admits this is a “very painful thing to talk about.”

But, once again, if we are talking about it, we are on someone else’s agenda. Is there anything powerful enough to overcome or even compete with this overwhelming phenomenon? In fact, there is. The ancient and historic (and eternal) church calendar.

I’m thinking a lot right now about the Feast of Transfiguration, coming up in a few days. This is one of the great revealings of the Holy Trinity. A few weeks ago, I focused a good bit on the Ascension of Jesus Christ. It freaked out the powers, authorities, and angels in heaven, because never before had a human ever been near the heavenly realms. The night before the feast, our outpost of the historic Orthodox church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, recited ancient verses describing and extolling this first ever ascension. The next morning our church held a Divine Liturgy celebrating the Ascension.

Next week we will approach the Dormition of the Mother of God. The Calendar causes us to regularly meditate on positive things. We have a big drama every week, and we have daily passages and people to meditate on as well.

The best defense is a good offense, and Jesus has a great offense.

Don’t get me wrong: I believe in exposing evil, conspiracies, and fighting violence and mourning the dead. But that’s defense. This media agenda by our elites is very controlled—I certainly have little control over it—and many if not most of those who do control it hate Jesus Christ. Since He happens to be the center of all things, the point of the entire cosmos and all reality, I would rather submit myself to an agenda controlled by those who love Jesus Christ. And so I do.

Writer William Dalrymple, in From the Holy Mountain, visited a monastery in Greece in search of an ancient manuscript. He was crestfallen to learn the abbot was not there, and asked the monk when he would return. “He should be back by the Feast of Transfiguration,” the monk replied. They know how to set the agenda.


Yes, I am a corruption theorist. I think the corruption has gotten so bad that many within our own government lie to the people, and use the major media to do so. (It’s been going on for decades, see Operation Mockingbird). Therefore, every major media “event,” especially those of a high sensational nature, need to be critically examined for their authenticity and their motives: how might this event advance a sinister agenda?

These articles here and here on Jay Dyer’s provide some bigger picture views to help make sense of our “perverse generation,” as Jesus might call it.

Yes, it is very sad that it has come to this in our country. But Jesus Christ provides two ways to overcome this enemy.


1. He provides the answer to death, evil, and hate. He is resurrection, light, power, truth, and love.

2. He provides the first, the best, and the correct agenda. It’s the church calendar.

After this week, let’s spend some time talking about the Dormition and then nativity of John the Forerunner. Regarding the upcoming Transfiguration, I’m still learning whether Jesus shone like the Sun through his human or divine nature, or both—it affects how you view your own ability to become like God. We can meditate on that rather than serial killers.

Later on there’s John the Baptist’s beheading, St. Nicholas (Santa Clause) and God entering the created order at Christmas. Great stuff!

Dean W. Arnold

Soul of the East


See also
Elder Ephraim of Arizona Exposes Old Calendarism Elder Ephraim of Arizona Exposes Old Calendarism
John Sanidopoulos, Elder Ephraim of Arizona
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John Sanidopoulos, Elder Ephraim of Arizona
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On the Julian Calendar, Church Tradition, and Standing for the Faith On the Julian Calendar, Church Tradition, and Standing for the Faith
Pavel Kuzenkov
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Gabe Martini
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September 1/14
Vincent Gabriel
We say goodbye to the old and welcome the new. We give thanks for what the Lord has done, and petition his lovingkindness and protection for the days yet to come. We take a moment to consider our impact on the world around us, and whether our actions proceed from hearts of selfishness or hearts of compassion.
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Fr. Christopher Rocknage
"So often, my dear brother and sisters, we forget about the fact that it’s not about me, it’s not about any of us, individually—it’s about Christ redeeming the world. Yes he came for me, yes he came for you—He came for everybody, the entirety of creation, to bring all things to the knowledge of the Truth, to bring everything to Himself, so that all could be saved."
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The human relationship with time is a strange thing. The upright stones of neo-lithic human communities stand as silent reminders of our long interest in seasons and the movement of the heavens. Today our light-polluted skies shield many of us from the brilliant display of the night sky and rob us of the stars.
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Archimandrite Iachint Unciuleac
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Archimandrite Iachint Unciuleac
Come to us again, O Jesus—do not listen to Peter! Come down from Tabor and come to our homes, into our hearts! Come here, where we are suffering and laboring for our daily bread! Come here, where we are crucified by people, demons, and passions! If Peter does not want to come down, leave him on the mount and come to us, to our hearts!
Anthony8/10/2016 10:29 pm
''These days, it appears the news outlets do that job. Last week (when I originally wrote this article), nineteen Yezidi women were burned to death for refusing sex to extremists in the Middle East. Twenty were killed in Syria by a suicide bomber. But we were not talking much about that. We were talking about Orlando. Or Dallas. Or France, or Munich, et al. Why? Because that is what major media outlets are jointly blasting 24/7. Before that, we binged on San Bernadino, Paris, Charleston. The list seems to be growing at curious speed. We also observe the anniversaries of these strange mass murders.''

Because only western lives matter, only westerners have the right to live in peace and security whilst destabilising, pillaging and plundering all of our countries for the sake of their greed and power. That's why. #onlywesternlivesmatter
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