Putin supports teaching spiritual and moral culture at schools

Moscow, October 6, 2016


The head of the state spoke about this during his conversation with the winners of the all-Russian “Teacher of the Year” contest, reports TASS.

“Of course it’s useful. The only question is how it is going to be organized and implemented,” said the president, answering whether a general cultural course which would be taught to all children regardless of their nationality and religion was needed in schools.

“Beyond all doubt, there should be a balance between natural sciences, humanities, and cultural matters. I certainly agree, but it should be well thought-out and worked out in detail at the expert level,” he added.

Earlier the new Education Minister Olga Vasilyeva accepted the expansion of the “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” school courses and the improvement of textbooks. In her interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper she said that it is “a cultural course” and its task is “to strengthen the moral foundations of a person,” but “it is not intended for religious education.”

Translated by Dmitry Lapa



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Ken Griffith10/8/2016 12:04 am
Education is not the proper role of the State. It is the proper role of the Family with the help and support of the Church.

Efforts like this are a bandage that cannot cure the vulnerability that state-run schools create for any nation.

Putting all the children in one basket makes state run schools the ideal target for revolutionaries and radicals who wish to indoctrinate the youth into a new paradigm.

This is the method by which America and the West were overthrown by atheism. Russia is vulnerable as well.
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