Russian “Sanctity of Motherhood” competition to award those who dissuade women from abortion

Moscow, March 28, 2017


The St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation is holding a competition in Russia aimed at preventing abortions. The winners of the “Sanctity of Motherhood” contest will share one million rubles ($17,500), the foundation reported to RIA-Novosti.

The competition is being held with the support of the Russian Ministry of Health from March 20 to October 1, 2017. Participation is open to state and municipal obstetric-gnyecological medical organizations, and obstetrician-gynecology doctors, psychologists, and social workers attending to women during abortion.

Contestants will compete in four categories: “Best female consultation,” “Best obstetrician-gynecologist,” “Best psychologist in pre-abortion counseling or specialist in social work,” and “Best educational activities for preserving pregnancy.” The main criterion is the number of pregnancies saved in women who were intending to have an abortion.

The prize of $17,500 will be distributed among the thirteen winners of the competition as follows: $1750 to the winner in each of the four categories, $1400 to each second-place finisher, $1050 to each third-place finisher, and a $700 jury prize. Other prizes may be given at the discretion of the jury, organizers, and partners of the competition.

“Today it is vitally necessary that as many women as possible make the hard decision to give birth to and raise their children, and that their relatives and loved ones, and the whole society would support them in their decision and help them as much as possible,” said jury member and representative of the Board of Trustees of the All-Russia “Sanctity of Motherhood” Program Natalia Yakunina.

While the St. Andrew’s Foundation incentivizes helping women give birth, Planned Parenthood in America gives incentives for convincing women to kill their children. “Every center had a goal for how many abortions were done,” Sue Thayer, a former Planned Parenthood manager, explains. “And centers that didn’t do abortions like mine that were family planning clinics had a goal for the number of abortion referrals.”

“I felt like I was more of a salesman sometimes, to sell abortions,” former Planned Parenthood nurse Marianne Anderson says. “And we were told on a regular basis that, ‘You have a quota to meet to keep this clinic open.’”

Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood has no quota for adoptions or prenatal care—only for abortions. Centers that performed or referred the most abortions are awarded with pizza parties, and the most “successful” employees with paid time off and a “clinic manager of the month” award.

The Orthodox Church unequivocally stands against abortion, which it understands is the murder of an innocent child.


See also
How Fr. Dmitry Smirnov Convinces Women Not to Have an Abortion, and Ten Questions That Can Keep a Woman From Abortion How Fr. Dmitry Smirnov Convinces Women Not to Have an Abortion, and Ten Questions That Can Keep a Woman From Abortion
Fr. Dimitry Smirnov, Elena Smirnova, Natalia Narishkina
How Fr. Dmitry Smirnov Convinces Women Not to Have an Abortion, and Ten Questions That Can Keep a Woman From Abortion How Fr. Dmitry Smirnov Convinces Women Not to Have an Abortion, and Ten Questions That Can Keep a Woman From Abortion
Fr. Dimitry Smirnov, Elena Smirnova, Natalia Narishkina
“The work of a psychologist with this category of women is the work of eroding growing doubt. A woman has come to register for an abortion; she’s already made a choice, a decision, but she always has remaining doubts—something on the other side of the scale. The work of a psychologist is to uncover these doubts, ‘to give them’ Which way the balance is tipped we cannot know, because the woman has made a decision. But, all the same, you can try to ‘shatter’ a woman’s bad confidence.”
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