Number of Muslims becoming atheists growing in the Western world

London, August 15, 2017

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According to the conclusions drawn at a recent international meeting of the Council of Ex-Muslims of England held in London, the number of Muslims apostatizing from their faith and becoming atheists is growing on a massive scale in France, Great Britain, and other European countries. These atheists may only be the tip of the iceberg, since many apostates from Islam keep their opinions to themselves to avoid reprisal from other Muslims, reports, which cites

The International Conference on freedom of conscience and convictions took place in London from July 22–24, 2017. It was called by its organizers the “largest gathering of ex-Muslims in history.” Participants came from 30 countries, and the majority of them were former Muslims.

According to the French sociologist Usom Bentabe, “Some former Muslims become activists against the death sentence for apostasy, others simply call themselves “rebels” without officially expressing their beliefs, which a third group rejects the term “ex- Muslim” itself, emphasizing that they live as atheists.

The French sociologist noted that atheism in the Muslim world is growing and will spread. However, classical Islamic Law declares the death sentence to apostates from Islam.

The Council of Ex-Muslims was formed in Great Britain in 2007 at the initiative of Iranian Miriam Namaz, and has affiliates in many European as well as certain Islamic states. It currently has more than 100 members.


S.8/21/2017 6:36 pm
Why do you constantly refer to the US and the EU as "whitey" and "Babylonians". The REAL normal Americans are no longer in power in the US; the nation has been usurped by Italians and Jews. Don't blame actual americans who have lived here since the expulsion of the British in the 1700's. Our leader now is a city dwelling hypocrite who pushes "pro-life" agenda, while he himself was caught bragging about adultery on tape.
Foma8/17/2017 11:08 am
Anthony, I am surprised. I thought you would perhaps tell us that these new born atheists shouldn't get all puffed up and start teaching the native-born atheists how to behave and advising them on what is rational or irrational.

I am moved to speculate what you might say if these newly apostate Muslims should convert to Christianity or (gasp!) Orthodoxy. Perhaps you would also admonish them not to get to uppity and start teaching others.

I think you should start a mission to serve and protect the convert Orthodox and the Muslim atheists and plain old atheists from getting to high minded. You could call it the Native Imperative Mission of Born-Orthodox to Yokels or NIMBY for short. You could have disciples and stuff like that. Your humility would protect us all from overstepping any boundaries. It would be great. We could have barbecues AND make falafel for feasting and fast days depending on which order of degenerates had cooking duty and we could all savor the sweetness of how we will never be able to instruct others.

Again, thank you for your commentary. It is so good to have REAL Orthodox telling us how it is.

Foma, a yokel
Anthony8/16/2017 10:13 pm
Are we supposed to celebrate or cry at this news. Whatever the case godlessness prevails in babylon. And hard shall she fall.
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