Priest Dimitry Vydumkin
The interrogations and the subsequent charges were arranged in a way that had already been worked out by that time. The charge of counter-revolutionary activity based on perjury, recognized as false by the accused.
The more Christians were persecuted, the more numerous they became. The persecuted Church did not disappear, as persecutors had planned, but was transformed into a flourishing Church.
The Lord ascends to heaven to open and to provide the way there for any Christian, for before the Ascension of Christ into heaven no man had a pathway to heaven.
The overwhelming majority of us understand that we should show gratitude to God and people for the benefactions we receive. But how are we supposed to express gratitude?
Rating: 8.9|Votes: 9
When we for the first time turned to the Gospel to learn that Christ lives in everyone who is needful of help, we did not hasten to devote all our time at Christ’s bed in the hospital, or give Christ the excess clothing stored in our wardrobes. It rarely dawns on us to care about prisoners. As to strangers, we are a little scared of them:
Rating: 9.7|Votes: 40
It is crystal clear that our society is infected with a shortage of love. I think that our contemporaries, choked up in the general atmosphere of enmity (because of the lack of love), above all expect love from the Church. That is why above all we should tell those on the outside that God is love.