Choir of the Kovilj Monastery performs at Carnegie Hall

March 23, 2015

The choir of the Monastery of Holy Archangels in Kovilj, Diocese of Bachka, Serbia, along with the world-famous “Kronos Quartet”, successfully performed the New York premiere of a piece of the Serbian composer Aleksandra Vrebalov “Beyond Zero: 1914-1918”, dedicated to the centenary of the Great War, at the fulfilled hall of the Carnegie Hall in New York, on Saturday, March 7th 2015.


The next day, on Sunday, March 8th 2015, the choir of the monastery of Holy Archangels in Kovilj was cordially welcomed by the priesthood and pious people at the church of Saint Sava on Manhattan, in New York City. The Kovilj’s chanters sang responses at the Holy Liturgy served by Revd. Djokan Majstorovic, a decade-long New York’s parish priest.

On Thursday, March 12, 2015 the church of Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke in Washington D.C. was too small for all the faithful who came to see and hear the choir of the Monastery of Holy Archangels in Kovilj. The faithful were overwhelmed by beautiful Byzantine Orthodox music.

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