View original 1590 tomos of foundation of Moscow Patriarchate

Moscow, March 21, 2018

Photo: Photo:
A photograph of the May 8, 1590 tomos of the Council of Constantinople on the foundation of the Russian Orthodox Church as a patriarchate has been published online by the channel “Athonite Herald” on Telegram, a cloud-based instant messaging service.

The historical document is written in ink on parchment in the Greek language. The tomos is signed by 106 people: Patriarchs Jeremias II of Constantinople, Joachim of Antioch, and Sophronios of Jerusalem, as well as 42 metropolitans, 19 archbishops, and 20 bishops.

The tomos was delivered to Moscow in May 1591 by Metropolitan Dionysiy of Tarnovo, and handed to Tsar Feodor Ivanovich on June 20.

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