Archimandrite Zacharias (Zacharou)
The Cross in the life of the monks is the love for our brother, to love our brother is our life, to protect him, defend him, help him and pray for him as for ourselves.
Waiting patiently, not desiring to acquire quickly the promise, but devoting years, decades of his life longing for the promise of God, all this humbles the heart of man and makes him more like unto the One Whom he is about to receive, Christ.
Rating: 10|Votes: 5
Elder Zacharis (Zacharou) from Holy Momastery of John the Forerunner in Essex, England, a spiritual child of the revered Elder Sophrony (Sakharov), recently visited St. Tikhon's Monastery and Seminary in South Canaan, PA, where he offered two public presentations to the monastics, seminarians, and parish community. One talk, "On the Priesthood," was geared more towards seminarians, although beneficial for all. The second talk is entitled "Thoughts and Comments on the Crisis in Christianity Today."
Rating: 8.3|Votes: 4
Archimandrite Zacharias from the Monastery of St. John the Baptist in Essex, England, founded by the saintly Elder Sophrony (Sakharov) explains how “descent” is a perfect way to meet God.
Rating: 10|Votes: 2
Fr. Zacharias from Holy Momastery of John the Forerunner, Essex, England, speaks on the nature of what the Church Fathers call the spiritual heart, and on the means of uniting with God through His Name, His Word, and His Body in the holy Eucharist.
Rating: 2|Votes: 2
Those that are born by the Spirit have a heart in which dwells Christ through faith. According to Biblical Anthropology and Orthodox Tradition, the heart of man is the center of his personhood. There, choices occur and decisions are made… there, man meets with God and feels united with all generations of man… Love for His word keeps us on the hard road of His will, so that we may put ourselves second and honor others more than ourselves.
Rating: 3.5|Votes: 4
Archimandrite Zacharias, from Holy Monastery of the Honourable Forerunner, Essex, England, speaks about his spiritual father Elder Sophrony
Rating: 8.2|Votes: 16
It is unfortunate that there is widespread confusion, not to mention delusion, in the inexperienced, whereby the Jesus Prayer is thought to be equivalent to yoga in Buddhism, or 'transcendental meditation', and other such Eastern exotica. Any similarity, however, is mostly external, and any inner convergence does not rise beyond the natural 'anatomy' of the human soul.