Orthodox TV station to launch soon in Moldova

Chișinău, Romania, February 19, 2020

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A new Orthodox TV station, NIKA TV, will soon be launched in Moldova for the edification of the faithful and general public.

More than 95% of Moldovans identify as Orthodox Christians.

The Metropolis of Chișinău and All Moldova of the Russian Orthodox Church announced on Monday that “a local Orthodox Christian TV station will soon start its activity on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.”

The license for NIKA TV was approved by the Broadcasting Council of the Republic of Moldova last week.

The station is oriented towards the general public and aims to promote Orthodox Christian values, educate the young generation on the basis of Christian morals and ethics and in the values of the faith and the Church, promote civil consensus in society, and so on. The shows will have social, cultural, and Orthodox themes and will be made by clergy and volunteers.

The station will also organize civil support and media assistance events for victims of aggression and violence and others in difficult situations and in need.

The station will be administered by Fr. Serghei Jelihovschii of the Church of the Dormition in the village of Sălcuța in Căușeni District.

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