Patriarch of Romania on coronavirus : The holy Eucharist can never be a source of sickness and death

Source: Basilica News Agency

March 2, 2020

The Press office of the Romanian Patriarchate published a communiqué on February 27, 2020, in the context of excessive media coverage of the epidemic caused by Coronavirus (Covid – 19) and following requests from some state institutions that the Church should take measures to prevent the spread of the virus and to reduce the population’s fear of this phenomenon.


For this reason, the communiqué addressed especially those who are too afraid of illness when they kiss the holy icons or when they take Communion from the same Holy Eucharistic Chalice, as the priest uses a collective spoon.

This attention given especially to those “whose faith is weak” (Romans 14: 1) has caused fear elsewhere, more precisely among clerics and believers who consider that an exceptional and temporary measure (economy) in favour of those more frightened and weaker in faith can be transformed into a new liturgical rule of receiving Holy Communion that applies to all believers.

...Read the rest at  Basilica News Agency.


Rdr Andreas Moran3/5/2020 1:41 pm
Agor: see what Ages wrote: you won't catch it from the Body and Blood of Christ; did not the woman with an issue of blood merely touch the hem of His garment to be healed, and we dare to partake of His actual Body and Blood? Whether you catch it otherwise is up to God.
Agor3/4/2020 5:44 pm
Eucharist assures full protection from COVID-19?
Ages3/3/2020 3:41 pm
Contrast this with Catholic bishops everywhere, who are closing churches and restricting communion precisely at the time when people should be running to God for protection, with even conservatives insisting that the "accidents" can transmit disease. Such nonsense and lack of faith! The Orthodox Church knows that the Eucharist does not transmit disease. The lives of the saints proves this; St. John Maximovitch once consumed the Precious Body spat out by someone with rabies and suffered no ill effect at all. There are many such cases.
Rdr Andreas Moran3/2/2020 8:13 pm
The Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ give life, not disease. And what of the priest who must use the spoon after everyone else?
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