Ekaterinburg hosting week of traditional family values around feast of Sts. Peter and Fevronia

Ekaterinburg, September 8, 2020

ekaterinburg-eparhia.ru ekaterinburg-eparhia.ru     

The city of Ekaterinburg is currently in the midst of a week dedicated to traditional family values, centered around the feast of Sts. Peter and Fevronia, the patrons of family, love, and loyalty, which will be celebrated on September 13 this year.

In 2012, the Holy Synod of the Russian Church established the feast of the transfer of the relics of Sts. Peter and Fevronia on the Sunday preceding September 6/19.

The event, which began yesterday and will continue through the feasts of Sts. Peter and Fevronia, was organized by the Orthodox organization Forty Forties (which refers to the 40x40, or 1,600 parishes that existed in Moscow before the revolution) and the St. Catherine Foundation with the support of the Ekaterinburg Metropolia and the Ekaterinburg city administration, reports Pravoslavie.ru.

The week includes a number of cultural events promoting the strengthening of family values, including lectures and master classes discussing the role of the father in the family, how to motivate children to be active, proper nutrition, hygiene, and much more.

The week began with a sports festival, including various sports games, a climbing wall, an arm wrestling competition, and much more. The second day, today, is dedicated to music, with a chamber orchestra performing Mussorgsky’s Pictures At an Exhibition and other performances.

omorrow will focus on health and nutrition, on Thursday, parents will be taught about social networks and basic blogging skills, on Friday, events on the history of Ekaterinburg followed by a floral master class, and on Saturday, another sports festival will be held and an Orthodox market will be open all day.

Sunday will be the most eventful day, beginning, after Liturgy, with a parade of families from the monument to Sts. Peter and Fevronia, followed by performances by various local artistic groups, and a concert with famous Russian singers.

Additionally, the Missionary Department of the Ekaterinburg Diocese will hold a series of spiritual and educational talks focusing on the Scriptural praise for the value of family relations, the role of love as the foundation of sacrificial familial relations, and intensive courses helping spouses overcome conflicts and barriers in their relations, reports the diocesan press service.

“If there is love between two in a family, then there will be peace, prosperity, and a place for three, four, and five, because the fruits of love are joy and happiness, and any person naturally strives in his earthly life, and if he is also religious, then in the Heavenly life as well, for happiness,” commented Fr. Daniel Ryabinin, the head of the Youth Missionary Department.

“It is from the family that we draw strength, it is the family that allows us not only to preserve traditions, but also gives us the opportunity to look confidently into the future,” said Alexander Andreev, Director of the St. Catherine’s Foundation.

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