Monument to St. Anthony the Great unveiled in Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod, September 9, 2020     

On Sunday, September 6, a monument to the father of monasticism, St. Anthony the Great, was unveiled in the Voskresny Deanery of the Nizhny Novogorod Diocese, next to a church dedicated in his honor.

The ceremony was attended by His Eminence Metropolitan George of Nizhny Novgorod, Archpriest Boris Makarenko of the Church of St. Anthony the Great and other clergy, Mayor Ivan Noskov, and Valery Artamonov, the General Director of the Tosol-Sintez LLC, by whose care the church and monument were erected, reports the Nizhny Novgorod Diocese.

Met. George addressed the people, emphasizing that St. Anthony the Great calls us to return our hearts and spiritual gaze to the path that the Lord has prepared for us, leading to the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life.     

Then Artamonov spoke, expressing his gratitude to all who participated in erecting and unveiling the monument.

“10 years ago, with the blessing of Vladyka George, we erected this Church,” he said. “And this church, this place gas become very dear to me. Wherever I go on trips around the country, around the world—my soul always wants to come here. We built this church for the ages, so that not only our generation, but also our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren could draw spiritual strength here and find the way to God.”

Met. George, Mayor Noskov, and Artamonov then cut the red ribbon and His Eminence celebrated the rite of the consecration of the monument.

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Ben9/9/2020 3:18 pm
Is there a reason in Russia they have statues of Saints?
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