Greek sex ed program teaches sexual pleasure for children, gender fluidity, Orthodox newspaper reports

Athens, February 17, 2021

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The Greek Ministry of Education has decided to introduce a scandalous new sex education program for all Greek children, from kindergarten through high school, under the guise of the development so-called life skills, according to the Greek Orthodox newspaper Orthodox Truth.

According to the new edition of the paper, the program will discuss various means of sexual satisfaction for young children and how to challenge their parents, and will teach that gender and sexual orientation are fluid, that abortion is a fight against overpopulation and a choice equal to having children, and that the family is no longer the building block of society.

Orthodox Truth notes that children often become psychological and physical victims of sexual violence in those countries where sex education is introduced.

Hierarchs of the Greek Church have repeatedly spoken out against the perverse teachings of such programs. In an epistle read in all parishes of his diocese in January 2017, His Eminence Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus offered a strong wording that is equally applicable today:

Today Satan again raises his head and boldly threatens destroy everything good, high, moral, spiritual, and Christian, in accord with the Gospel and Patristic Tradition, which was already achieved in the previous period of life and activities of the Orthodox Church. He is trying to seduce man, whose purpose is the subordination of the flesh to the spirit, the spiritualization and deification of man by grace—not conversely the subordination of the spirit to the flesh. It is the subversion of the plan of the Triune God for man. Satan wants man to become a slave to the flesh, to pleasure, to sin, not a spiritual but a material creation, as the irrational animals.

In April of last year, the Romanian Orthodox Church opposed compulsory sex education in schools, calling for parents to be able to retain the right to decide how their child will be educated in such matters.

Earlier this month, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church spoke out against a LGBT propaganda comic book purchased by the Ukrainian state for distribution to children’s libraries.

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Luke4/13/2021 4:58 pm
@Octavian May the Lord have mercy on you and free you from captivity. Until then, your ideas are not welcome here.
Octavian2/18/2021 12:13 pm
This and the original are poor journalism. I suppose that education in Greece is done, like in all EU places, under the laws of brain developement. So the abstract ideea of „gender fluidity” must be done in last classes of highschool, you can't teach these ideeas to children cause they don't understand. Every religious teacher knows not to teach theology at 2nd graders, why is this different? So can you prove me that these abstract ideeas are teached to children?
ACatharina2/18/2021 9:54 am
Keep this trash out of the schools!
Alexei2/18/2021 5:31 am
John, With all due respect, I humbly ask you to read history. All forms of governments have good and bad in their societies. Whether it is in their administration of their form of government, or in the laws of their country. Democracies have been the most helpful to religion. There is a greater majority of the faithful who may attend their services and practice their faith with little or no interference. What is happening in Ukraine? Ukraine is supposed to be a democracy. What is going wrong? It is the politicians who run the government that is causing the problem by making religion political, even when their constitution calls for no interference from their government. I will not go into the fine details on the good and bad of every form of earthly government, and I do not recall Christ ever saying that this or that government is good or bad. Remain firm in your faith and stand in the love of God the Father and his son Jesus Christ. Because ALL governments will fall, and if I say that, would that imply that every form of government is a mistake? NO FORM OF GOVERNEMNT IS A MISTAKE! That government was put their by GOD for a reason, and we may only discover HIS reason in later years. We may never know. We do know that the Kingdom of GOD is waiting for us and we should keep that in mind.
John2/17/2021 6:44 pm
Democracy is a mistake, no exceptions.
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