Russian Church launches English-language news program on YouTube

Moscow, January 20, 2022

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The Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations now has a news program released in multiple languages on YouTube.

The Orthodox View is released on Tuesdays and Thursdays in five languages: English, Russian Serbian, Arabic, and Greek, reports the DECR.

The program aims to answer several key questions: How does the Christian worldview influence the world? How are religion, culture and society connected? What’s going on in Christendom and what’s the difference between Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Protestantism?

The channels are available at:






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B6/24/2022 4:37 pm
I believe we need to get past the concepts of ‘Pro-American’, ‘AntiAmerican’, ‘Pro-Russian’, ‘AntiRussian’ and just get back to finding the truth and simply telling the truth. We must be more and more pro God and pro Jesus as time goes on and the days become more evil. People are tired of the propaganda on the news medias and also seeing belief systems that we don’t agree with and that aren’t Biblical as if we had to go along with it. We are refreshed by religious and sources outside the main to get a wider picture of the world.
Benjamin1/21/2022 12:52 am
Great, another podcast channel to listen to while I'm spending hours in the work van every day. Although, it would probably be more productive to salvation to be doing EG ceaseless prayer or something like that than intellectual pursuits. At any rate, with all of the anti-Russian rhetoric going on, and YouTube (owned by Google, owned by Alphabet Inc-- USA based) shutting down people for wrongthink, as apart of their satanic (inversion) agenda, they should definitely be cross-poasting on BitChute and Odysee. I try to stay off of Google-affiliated sites as much as possible
Colo1/20/2022 4:34 pm
A good news and hope that a Romanian language channel is also planned.
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