Stern warning to Madagascar priests: those who join ROC are out of the Church and in danger of hell

Antananarivo, Madagascar, February 4, 2022

Archbishpo Ignatius with clergy. Photo: Archbishpo Ignatius with clergy. Photo:     

Archbishop Ignatios of Antananarivo and North Madagascar of the Patriarchate of Alexandria has issued a very strong warning to his priests about the consequences of joining the Russian Orthodox Church’s African Exarchate.

According to the hierarch, those who have joined the Exarchate are no longer priests, and even no longer members of the Orthodox Church, and they are in danger of Hell.

His letter reads in full:

To all the esteemed priests of the Archdiocese of Antananarivo and the northern part of Madagascar.

Dear brethren,

It has been heard for a long time that the Patriarch of Russia has entered and intervened in the territory of the Patriarch of Alexandria.

The Blessed Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and of All Africa, Theodoros II, clearly states that the Patriarchs of Russia and Alexandria have no connection or alliance.

Therefore, all those who have gone to other Patriarchs have resigned from the priesthood of the Archdiocese of Antananarivo and the northern part of Madagascar, which is ruled by the Patriarch of Alexandria, without the right to celebrate the Liturgy, and the Liturgies and Sacraments they celebrate are not valid according to the holy canonical law of the Church.

So I beg you to be careful because this is a very difficult thing, the punishment will be so severe that you will lose your souls in Hell, the expelled priests immediately return to the ranks of the laity, and the holy anointing they had received is no longer valid.

As a result, God’s grace was completely cut off from them and they are no longer members of the Church.

I hope this year that what I am saying will be clear to you so that you will beware of the devil’s snares.

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Isaac Muiruri2/22/2022 2:34 pm
Hello everyone, I can tell you that the Greek Patriarchate of Alexandria is developing cold feet. 1st how they over saw the oppression of Xopts for them to take over Alexandria which they believe it's their city. The communion with non conanical is just as evil. Those who will be intimidated it's their choice, those who are liberated will think twice. This is the time for the truth and the unity which we have been told has been held for 2000 years. Could it be a fallacy?
Godefroy De Montmirail, Duc De Papincourt2/7/2022 3:23 am
Africa belongs to the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate Of Alexandria, therefore there is no place for Russian Exarchate in Africa. I know Archbishop Ignatios of Madagascar very well, he is a very sensible and God fearing man and he is absolutely right when he warned the priests of leaving to join the ROC. We will do whatever we can to expel the Russians out of Africa and send them back home to icy Russia, honestly speaking we don't need them in Africa.
Wanjala Emmanuel2/6/2022 5:54 pm
If priests have gone to RUSSIAN, it is none of his business. Why to condemn priests and sending them to hell and yet he has not condemned the Alexandria patriach as the cause for this? Those threates will not work.leave priests and repent as well, this bishop is not God. Congratulations Russian Exarchate in AFRICA ❤️
Rdr Daniel2/5/2022 5:37 pm
As others have pointed out condemning your priests to the depths of hell for leaving without canonical release whist communing with unordained schismatic priests is rank hypocrisy.
Fei-Yu2/5/2022 4:09 pm
This is just a piece of waste paper.
Michael2/5/2022 8:31 am
The double standards here are astounding. This is the precise opposite of the argument they use to support the schism in Ukraine. There, they argued that priests who go into schism - even when formally defrocked - WERE still priests. But apparently in Africa they are not.
Theophan 2/5/2022 7:56 am
...and the Liturgies and Sacraments they celebrate are not valid according to the holy canonical law of the Church... Shouldn't we apply these same principles to the Ukrainian schismatics or any schismatic for that matter? If so wouldn't this invalidate their argument against the priests leaving
Georgios2/5/2022 12:53 am
Harsh and unjustful letter... Stuff like that keeps us away from finding a solution... Except if both sides simply don't want a solution and both try to push things to the edge...I am starting to suspect that that's the case...
Kevin 2/4/2022 5:32 pm
How very 1052 AD of them.
Padre Francisco de Assis da cruz Feitosa2/4/2022 5:27 pm
Bem vindo aos nossos irmãos Sacerdotes ao Patriarcado de Moscou. Deus seja Louvado.
Antiochene Son2/4/2022 5:12 pm
If the priests moving to the Russian Church have lost their priesthood and are in danger of hell, what about Denisenko and his followers? This tangled web of double standards...
Mikhail2/4/2022 4:42 pm
That is an evil letter.
Michael2/4/2022 4:26 pm
What a disgusting email from a disgusting bishop. It also does not reflect in any way the canons or theology of the Orthodox Church. But I guess the same bishops who gave us “First Without Equal” think they are entitled to make up anything they want along the way. I wish someone would publish how we can financially support the local African priests in the new Russia Exarchate. As a Greek-American I believe it is the least I can do to atone for our Greek bishops behaving so badly and so un-Christ-like. Anaxios Patriarch Theodoros. Repent before your entire church crumbles around you.
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