Dozens of African priests serve first Liturgy of Russian Exarchate (+VIDEO)

Ebuyangu, Kenya, January 31, 2022

Photo: Facebook Photo: Facebook     

Dozens of African priests gathered in western Kenya to celebrate the first official Divine Liturgy of the newly-created Russian Exarchate in Africa.

Photo: Facebook Photo: Facebook The 24 priests were joined by Fr. George Maximov of Moscow, who has been instrumental in developing the Exarchate.

The Liturgy was celebrated at the Church of the Great Martyr Panteleimon in the village of Ebuyangu, with priests from the surrounding districts, reports Metropolitan Leonid of Klin, the Patriarchal Exarch of Africa.

Both Patriarch Kirill and Met. Leonid were commemorated during the service, which was celebrated over the new antimens recently signed

and consecrated by the Metropolitan.

“A new Swahili translation of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom was used, made in compliance with the Russian liturgical tradition, and correcting many imperfections in the previous translation,” the Patriarchal Exarch reports.

After the service, Fr. George presented icons to the church, and home icons, crosses, and Swahili prayer books to the priests and faithful. The priests also received their antimens from Met. Leonid.

Then a general clergy meeting was held, where numerous issues related to the organization of Church life were discussed.

The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church created its African Exarchate on December 29

, including two dioceses covering the entirety of the African content. The Exarchate began with 102 African priests, and last week, Met. Leonid said the number had grown to 150.

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Seraphim 2/3/2022 3:07 pm
I think (but I could be mistaken) that Alexander was making the point you are making - that there IS a non-Orthodox church for people who want "authentic black" church with drums and the like - the Oriental Orthodox Ethiopic Church.
Panagiotis2/3/2022 4:13 am
To Orthodox Brother Alexander Leitner: You speak the Truth my Brother, and I am Proud of you. You are Strong Orthodox, and you Fear God........ Just my humble opinion.. ..
Basil2/2/2022 7:28 pm
Alexander, your zeal is comically without knowledge. Your "authentic black church," the Ethiopian Tewahedo Church makes EXTENSIVE use of drums, clapping, and dancing. Does this make them less authentic, or more so? In which case, where does that leave the church in this article? Are they more or less "authentically black" for using drums, clapping, and dancing? You seem to indicate that the Ethiopians are authentic, but not these people in Kenya. What is it to be? Oh, and the Ethiopians aren't even Orthodox, and haven't been for 1500 years, so not exactly a good plumb line to use in your breathless defense of the faith.
Reader J2/2/2022 7:04 pm
The Ethiopians use drums and clap and dance in church. The Copts use cymbals. One quick search on youtube of "Ethiopian orthodox cymbals" and you can find a monophysite deacon explaining their Christian symbolical understanding of the drum.
Alexander Leitner2/2/2022 6:09 pm
". To judge the drums, we should get rid of every Serb and Greek hall, especially those with bars attached to them! Or we can say Glory to God, and have mercy on them!" Perhaps you missed that this was not a town hall but a Temple of God and the Holy and Divine Liturgy!
Alexander Leitner2/2/2022 6:07 pm
@Basil: "..., as long as they don't contradict the faith and ethos of the Church. Orthodoxy is not about playing dress up, either as Byzantines or Slavs, or being uptight Europeans, but manifesting the living faith of the Incarnate God-man, Jesus Christ." I never read so much nonsense before! Read the Holy Fathers on playing instruments during the Divine Services. They are very strict. Dancing, clapping, ...are pure pagan elements during the Divine Services.. Instead of Church Chant with prostrations and weeping over sins. There is an authentic Black church = the Ethiopean Orthodoxy Church.
Alexander Leitner2/2/2022 6:01 pm
Sorrry, but it is not orthodox. And I think it is not correct because this people have the right to receive true Orthodoxy and not a protestant form of it. Also slavonuc peopke had drums, so why in the Kiew Cave Lawra there are no drums? It is their culture? And the culture of greeks? Bulgarians, Serbs...have they converted to Christ or not? Did they not remove all this pagan elements
ogwang2/2/2022 3:40 pm
im interested
Seraphim 2/2/2022 12:03 am
Wow that Russian liturgy really sounds like Swahili! It must be the thick African accents those priests have.
Godefroy De Montmirail, Duc De Papincourt2/1/2022 6:17 pm
It's about time to get rid of Russians in Africa and send them back home.
Michael 2/1/2022 7:04 am
I thought this service was beautiful. May not look exactly like ours but it was full of people making a joyful noise unto the Lord. No disrespect intended to anyone but it would take a hard heart to not be moved by this clear outpouring of love and the Spirit. I am Greek but if this is what the Russians will built in Africa, may God bless it and then!
Athanasius2/1/2022 4:06 am
@Alexander Leitner: Of course it is Orthodox, with an authentic African flavor. I think it's awesome. May God so grow the African Church that they'll be sending missionaries all over.
Fr. Joseph Thomas2/1/2022 1:45 am
Russian language imposed on Black Africans?!!! Really? I mean, REALLY?!!! Ridiculous!!!
Basil1/31/2022 11:11 pm
Alexander Leitner - will you ever be happy? You sound like the Prodigal Son's older brother. These people are Africans and are, strangely enough, acting like Africans. The Church has always accommodated local ethnic customs into its life, as long as they don't contradict the faith and ethos of the Church. Orthodoxy is not about playing dress up, either as Byzantines or Slavs, or being uptight Europeans, but manifesting the living faith of the Incarnate God-man, Jesus Christ.
Padre Francisco de Assis da cruz Feitosa1/31/2022 11:09 pm
Gongratulações aos Irmãos Ortodoxos na Africa . E ao Grande Metropolita Leonid.
Utrecht1/31/2022 10:06 pm
Alexander, may I suggest the documentary Orthodox Christianity in Congo: Its about the greeks, but goes through this discussion on the drums and such - its part of their culture and can be baptized into Orthodoxy. Also if you read Apostle to Zaire, Blessed Fr Cosmas, this is even more poignant on missionairy work in the congo, who was blessed by his Bishops and St Paisios to carve a swathe through the witchcraft and false-gospels of the heterodox, leaving his bones in Africa. To judge the drums, we should get rid of every Serb and Greek hall, especially those with bars attached to them! Or we can say Glory to God, and have mercy on them!
Nelsen Michael Thomas1/31/2022 8:50 pm
Glory be to God!
Common Sense1/31/2022 5:49 pm
There are more "priests" than laity here at this "liturgy"!
Alexander Leitner1/31/2022 5:05 pm
I don't like that. Chairs, clapping, dancing...drums...that's not really orthodox.
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