Romania: Monastic house consecrated in honor of Elders Cleopa and Paisie (Olaru)

Botoșani County, Western Moldavia, Romania, March 2, 2022

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The great 20th-century Elders Cleopa (Ilie) and Paisie (Olaru) were officially named the patrons of the new residential building at a monastery in northeastern Romania.

His Eminence Metropolitan Teofan of Moldavia celebrated the Divine Liturgy at Coșula Monastery in Western Moldavia on Sunday, then blessed the Venerable Paisie and Cleopa monastic house, reports the Basilica News Agency.

Both Elders Cleopa and Paisie are known and venerated throughout the entire Orthodox Church, and have been proposed for canonization by the Romanian Church in 2025. Late last year, Elder Cleopa’s renovated cell in the mountains where he hid from the communist authorities was consecrated.

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Met. Teofan was joined on Sunday by local abbots and clergy, and the service was attended by numerous faithful.

During the service, Met. Teofan made an appeal for prayer and mercy, urging the faithful to support Ukrainian refugees personally and through the collection organized in churches of the Archdiocese of Iași.


Coșula Monastery was founded in 1535, and blossomed into an important spiritual and cultural center by the 17th-18th centuries, with over 1,000 monks. In 1908, the monastic complex was abandoned and converted into a parish church, but it was reestablished in 1991. The architectural ensemble is included in the list of historical monuments.

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