Romania: Hermitage to be built where Elder Cleopa hid in mountains from communist regime

Vadu Negrilesei, Suceava, Romania, January 24, 2022     

The cell in the Stânisoara Mountains in Romania where the great Elder Cleopa (Ilie) struggled in asceticism for many years, concealing himself from the communist regime, was solemnly consecrated last month on the anniversary of his repose.

Now, the Archdiocese of Suceava is moving ahead with plans to build a hermitage there. Elder Cleopa is among the martyrs and confessors of the 20th century whom the Romanian Holy Synod intends to canonize in 2025.

From the consecration of the Elder's cell last month. Photo: From the consecration of the Elder's cell last month. Photo:     

Considering his pending canonization, the hermitage will be named in his honor, reports the Basilica News Agency.

The recently remodeled and refrescoed entrance tower to the famous Sihăstria Monastery, where Elder Cleopa served as abbot, now features icons of Elder Cleopa and several other righteous monks who labored there in the 20th century.

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