Tikhvin Icon at Chicago cathedral to be placed in beautiful new kiot

Chicago, March 17, 2022

Photo: mcusercontent.com Photo: mcusercontent.com     

In honor of its 130th anniversary, Holy Trinity Cathedral in Chicago (Orthodox Church in America), intends to make a pious offering to the Most Holy Theotokos.

For 55 years, the cathedral was home to the wonderworking Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, according to Tradition, one of those painted by the St. Luke the Evangelist, where it was kept safe from Nazi and Soviet persecutions.

The icon returned to Russia in 2004, and in November 2016, an exact replica was donated to the cathedral by the Tikhvin Monastery in Russia.

Now, the cathedral community will “honor the Mother of God with a proper throne in the Cathedral.”

“To show our appreciation for her continued intercession, we will be ordering a kiot to place the icon in to permanently enshrine her icon at the cathedral,” reads an announcement about the project.

A copy of the Tikhvin Icon arrives at the cathedral in 2016. Photo: domoca.org A copy of the Tikhvin Icon arrives at the cathedral in 2016. Photo: domoca.org     

“We are now accepting donations for the health of, or in memory of loved ones to help us accomplish this task. Your offerings will go directly to building this throne that will permanently hold this sacred icon,” the announcement reads.

According to Cathedral Dean Fr. Alexander Koranda, the project will cost about $20,000.

Donations can be offered on the cathedral website.

Holy Trinity Cathedral was blessed in October, following a large-scale restoration project, also carried out in honor of the community’s 130th anniversary.

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Alexander Leitner3/17/2022 12:49 pm
Wow...beautiful! Most Holy Theotokos save us.
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