Serbian Patriarch distributes tons of humanitarian aid to large families

Belgrade, April 5, 2022

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More than 100 large families received necessary aid from His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije and the charity department of the Serbian Church’s Archdiocese of Belgrade and Karlovac on Saturday.

More than 10 tons of food and hygiene products were distributed to the needy families by His Holiness and His Grace Bishop Justin of Hvosno, vicar to the Patriarch and head of the Archdiocese of Belgrade’s charitable work, reports the Serbian Orthodox Church.

“What we’re doing is modest,” the Patriarch told the families, “but we will try, God willing, to organize ourselves a little better and participate even more significantly in your feat of raising a family and raising children in accordance with our Gospel values.”

Christ calls all to love, and love implies community and relationships, which in turn implies that everyone is equally valuable, His Holiness continued. Thus, the Church feels its obligation to participate in the labors of families.

“I hope there will be more people who will be encouraged to help with such actions, because by participating in the joy of our neighbor, we ourselves gain the joy of love,” Pat. Porfirije exhorted.

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Panagiotis4/14/2022 3:33 am
This is great news. Large families among Orthodox People must be encouraged and supported everywhere! We see what happened in Kosovo and other Orthodox Lands, I.E. the Muslims had large families, while the Orthodox did not. We must return to our conservative Orthodox Christian values and roots. We must reject no good liberalism... Just my humble opinion.
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