Pontian Genocide prayerfully commemorated in Thessaloniki

Thessaloniki, May 20, 2022

Photo: orthodoxianewsagency.gr Photo: orthodoxianewsagency.gr     

A memorial service was held in Thessaloniki yesterday, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the Pontian Genocide.

The service was led by Archimandrite Ireneos (Vogiatzis), representing Metropolitan Anthimos of Thessaloniki, on Hagia Sophia Square at the Monument to the Pontic Greek Genocide, reports the Orthodoxia News Agency.

The memorial was attended by Mayor Konstantinos Zervas and other state and regional government officials. The day of remembrance was established by the Greek Parliament in 1994.

Photo: orthodoxianewsagency.gr Photo: orthodoxianewsagency.gr     

The prayers were followed by a number of speeches and the laying of wreaths at the monument. The day concluded with the performance of Pontian songs and poems.


In an effort to rid the Ottoman Empire of non-Muslim elements, the plan to exterminate Pontic Greeks was implemented on May 19, 1919, and “by 1924, Pontus had suffered an unspeakable atrocity,” reports Mystagogy.

353,000 people were killed, and countless others were raped and tortured.

400,000 people were uprooted, mainly to Greece and the Soviet Union.

1,460 Orthodox clerics serving the faithful in Pontus were either slaughtered or uprooted with their flocks.

1,134 churches, 815 villages, and 960 schools were destroyed.

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Panagiotis5/21/2022 11:01 pm
Mother Cornelia: Thank You. Truly He is Risen!
m. Cornelia5/21/2022 12:45 pm
Panagiotis: Amen to what you say. We should all be praying for unity in the true faith, but with respect for our differences in culture. That of course is not easy, because the evil one wars against us. Christ is Risen!
George5/21/2022 12:05 pm
As a Orthodox Chirstian I am ashamed of us because I now see that true Christian's are very few. The rest are in name only. Even the most pious people have been tricked by the Devils and succeeded in turning on each other. So sad. Now we are going to see the wolf in sheep clothing come out and sow decent. Please don't be one of them. No man is above sin. I thought this article was nice but you seem to take offence to it. Why be negative?
Panagiotis5/21/2022 3:34 am
+++ May All Of Their Memories Be Eternal +++ They are in Paradise now. Like the Armenians and the Assyrians, they were massacred not only because of our Orthodox Faith, but also because of their prominence in business and their wealth. There were others who wanted their business interests, their financial interests, their land, their wealth, Etc, and they wanted to eliminate competition, and that is one of the reasons why the Greek People were savagely murdered, and others forced to leave. Our God in heaven sees everything, and He is a God of Vengeance, and no one will escape his Punishment and Wrath! Our people are too few in numbers to be divided, and that is why I keep saying that we must all be United as Orthodox People. We must be cohesive, we must be educated, we must accumulate wealth, and we must return to our conservative roots, and we must reject the no good liberalism and the no good liberals! Glory be to our God! THOXA SI O THEOS!....... Just my humble opinion.
Dimitri5/20/2022 4:59 pm
Atrocities and more atrocities. It is good to remember the souls and as a constant reminder to ward off evil. Where is Thesolinica today in regards to the faith of the area? Are there examples of Godly Orthodoxy? What is the atmosphere surrounding the holy Demetrios church and sacred relics, and honorable monasteries? Even only a few righteous Orthodox people can turn a city, country toward honoring Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Through Theotokos, and intercessions of our holy fathers and all the saints, Lord have mercy on us all. Holy Demetrios and Nestor pray for us.
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