Patriarch of Jerusalem calls on U.S. to protect Christian heritage in Holy Land

Jerusalem, July 18, 2022

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The Holy Land needs help to defend its Christian heritage, “which is witnessing unprecedented attacks by Israeli radical groups,” especially in Jerusalem, the Patriarch of Jerusalem told President Joe Biden last week.

His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos welcomed the U.S. head of state to the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Bethlehem, and took the opportunity to discuss the needs of Christians in the Holy land and the need for American intervention, reports the Jerusalem Patriarchate.

The Patriarch stressed

the need for an active American intervention to protect the Christian heritage and presence in the Holy Land, especially in the city of Jerusalem, which is witnessing unprecedented attacks by Israeli radical groups, that conduct their offenses without accountability in order to create an environment that repels Christians from their own city of Jerusalem. His Beatitude also noted attacks on churches, clergy and Christian faithful by members of these groups and their attempts to seize the properties of Jaffa Gate in a case that illustrates the horror and ugliness of the battle waged by these groups against the authentic Christian presence in Jerusalem. He also spoke of restricting freedom of worship against Muslims and Christians, preventing believers from reaching their places of worship freely, giving the example of Israeli police practices this year on the Saturday of Holy Fire in which they prevented worshippers from reaching the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Pat. Theophilos also participated in a reception for President Biden hosted by Israeli President Isaac Herzog, and again stressed “the need to put an end to the practices of Israeli radical groups that aim to erase the mosaic culture of the Holy City and eliminate its religious and cultural diversity, adding that the Christian heritage in Jerusalem is at risk as a result of the practices of these groups.”

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anonymous7/19/2022 11:49 pm
And what place does Biden have in Israel's internal affairs? The answer should be none, so let us keep it that way or return it to being so.
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