Orthodox professor fired from Evangelical school for traditional marriage views

Chicago, September 2, 2022

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A tenured Orthodox professor was fired recently from Chicago’s North Park University for taking a stand on traditional marriage.

The school is sponsored by the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC), which itself professes that, “A publicly declared, legally binding marriage between one woman and one man is the one appropriate place for sexual intercourse.”

However, it seems the school is not so intent on upholding the ECC’s stance.

Dr. Bradly Nassif, a widely-published scholar and professor in North Park’s Christian Studies Department for 17 years, was one of four tenured faculty fired when the university closed the department in May 2021, without consulting with the faculty senate as required by its own governing documents, reports the Bull Elephant.

The professors, save Nassif, were hired back this year, and Nassif is currently suing the school for breach of contract. The school had previously claimed the department was abolished due to low enrollment, while outside consultants emphasize that the department was strong and income-generating.

When the faculty senate was considering excluding the ECC’s view of marriage from the curriculum, Dr. Nassif was the only one to protest. The administration then characterized his views of marriage as “too extreme.” The university then claimed it had no position suited to Nassif’s expertise, yet adjunct professors now teach his courses.

Former university provost and chief academic officer Michael Emerson has publicly testified that faculty and administrators conspired to get rid of Nassif for standing in the way of the school’s transition away from the Christian view of marriage.

According to First Things, English Professor and American Association of University Professors president Nancy Arneson has testified to the same.

It is also noteworthy that Dr. Nassif pleaded to be rehired, as his wife is struggling with Stage IV lung cancer, and he has to provide for her.

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Valerie Protopapas9/3/2022 2:07 pm
The Great Separation is now taking place. For years the World has been able to keep a sort of stasis between itself and the Church. This was accomplished by permitting the Church to hold and spread SOME doctrines in the face of the rejection of the World (sexual matters being one area). Now, however, the "woke" damned will not permit even a rejected viewpoint to be expressed in the public forum and so people can no longer try to have their Christian "cake" and eat it too. You will follow Christ or the World. The options previously permitted are now being removed.
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