Thessaloniki celebrates its patron St. Demetrios the Myrrh-Gusher (+VIDEOS)

Thessaloniki, October 26, 2022

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The city of Thessaloniki began celebrating its patron and one of the most beloved saints in Greece and throughout the Orthodox world—St. Demetrios the Myrrh-Gusher—yesterday.

As usual, a procession was held in the morning on the day before his feast immediately following the Divine Liturgy. In addition to his relics and holy icon, the Panagia Gerontissa Icon from Pantocrator Monastery on Mt. Athos was also carried in the procession this year, reports Romfea.

The procession was presided over by Metropolitan Makarios of Sidirokastro and attended by several other Greek hierarchs.

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Yesterday evening, the hierarchs, clergy, and people gathered at the Church of St. Demetrios to celebrate Great Vespers for the feast of St. Demetrios.

“The emotion was intense as believers flocked early outside the church to light a candle and pray to Panagia Gerontissa and St. Demetrios to heal the wounds of their body and soul,” writes the Orthodoxia News Agency.


And this morning, the feast of St. Demetrios culminated with the hierarchical Orthros and Divine Liturgy in the Church of St. Demetrios, flooded with believers.

Thousands of Orthodox faithful from throughout Greece and beyond have come over the past few days to venerate the precious relics of their beloved St. Demetrios.

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Editor10/29/2022 11:12 am
Georgios: The author of this article is not a Slav, simply not as thorough in his history as you. Please don't get upset.
Georgios10/28/2022 11:37 pm
As usual being negatively disposed against whatever has to do about Greece northern of Larisa and supporting the antichristian albanoslavic nonsense of Skopjans you failed to say also that in the church the great Thanksgiving for the liberation of the city by the greek army on the very day of her patron's day on 1912 took place with the presence of H.E the President of the Hellenic Republic, commemorating also and celebrating the victory in '40 against the Italians and our victorious contribution in WWII. You failed also to mention how many times the Saint saved his city from the Slavs, Abars, Bulgarians and many other vicious enemies, to the point that the bulgarian soldiers were destroying its images when they were defeated in Balkan Wars, in WWI and in WWII after their brutal occupation of the eastern Macedonia and Thrace. "Demetrios" a totally greek name, from Demetra, deriving from ge+mater, from ancient greek macedonian genus was portayed by YOU as a Slav in an older post, a saint that he was living in Thessaloniki during an era that the Slavs were still not known in Mediterrenean!
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