Russian president decrees national strategy for strengthening traditional values

Moscow, November 10, 2022

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Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree yesterday on the “foundations of the state policy for preserving and strengthening traditional Russian spiritual-moral values.”

The aim is to preserve Russian state security by defining a system of values to be supported and inculcated in Russian society. The decree concretizes particular strategic provisions for national security until 2025.

The document reads:

Traditional values are moral guidelines that form the worldview of Russian citizens, passed down from generation to generation, underlying the all-Russian civic identity and the unified cultural space of the country, strengthening civic unity, which have found their unique, original manifestation in the spiritual, historical, and cultural development of the multinational people of Russia.

Traditional values include life, dignity, human rights and freedoms, patriotism, citizenship, service to the Fatherland and responsibility for its fate, high moral ideals, a strong family, creative work, prioritizing the spiritual over materialism, humanitarianism, mercy, justice, collectivism, mutual assistance and mutual respect, historical memory and continuity of generations, unity of the peoples of Russia.

Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and other religions, which are an integral part of the Russian historical and spiritual heritage, have had a significant impact on the formation of traditional values common to believers and non-believers. Orthodoxy plays a special role in the formation and strengthening of traditional values.

Threats to traditional values listed in the decree include: the activity of extremist and terrorist organizations, certain mass media/mass communication outlets, the actions of the U.S. and other unfriendly states, a number of transnational corporations and foreign non-commercial organizations, and the activities of certain organizations and people in Russia.

The ideological and psychological impact of these threats upon Russian citizens leads to a foreign value system that is seen as a destructive ideology, including:

the cultivation of selfishness, permissiveness, immorality, denial of the ideals of patriotism, service to the Fatherland, natural continuation of life, the values of a strong family, marriage, large families, creative work, Russia’s positive contribution to world history and culture, and the destruction of the traditional family through the propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations.

The spread of destructive ideology entails, according to the decree, the following risks:

“a) creating conditions for the self-destruction of society, weakening family, friendly and other social ties;

b) strengthening of the sociocultural stratification of society, reducing the role of social partnership, devaluation of the ideas of creative work and mutual assistance;

c) causing harm to the moral health of people, imposing ideas that imply the denial of human dignity and the value of human life;

d) the introduction of antisocial patterns of behavior, the spread of immoral lifestyle, permissiveness and violence, the growth of alcohol and drug use;

e) the formation of a society that neglects spiritual and moral values;

f) distortion of historical truth, destruction of historical memory;

g) denial of Russian identity, weakening of the all-Russian civic identity and unity of the multinational people of Russia, creating conditions for interethnic and interreligious conflicts;

h) undermining confidence in the institutions of the state, discrediting the idea of serving the Fatherland, forming a negative attitude towards military service and public service in general.”

The national strategy outlined in the new decree “is focused on the formation of a highly moral personality, brought up in the spirit of respect for traditional values, possessing relevant knowledge and skills, able to realize their potential in modern society, ready for peaceful creation and protection of the Fatherland.”

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Luke11/13/2022 4:37 am
Pierre Kotschoubey: They also got rid of this symbol in Germany... They removed the symbol of Christianity (a cross over 200 years old) from their halls! Imagine that! They remove the cross, the symbols of nazism as well as anything else that has to do with their past. In Russia, Putin boldly proclaims his faith, Churches are open 24 hours a day (in some cases) so the people can go in pray, venerate and speak with a priest. Icons are on billboards, and Christianity is protected! Burn the LGBTQ sodomite flag in Germany, and you risk going to prison for "hate acts", burn the cross in Germany, and you are celebrated a progressive minded superhuman! Today the Germans are giving money, weapons and support to the nazis in Ukraine fighting your Orthodox Christian brothers! Please get off your high horse and think without the hate in your heart! Its NOT all "PUTIN'S FAULT" bro!
Raphael 11/12/2022 8:52 pm
It’s very funny to me how these “orthodox Christians” in the west always try to find a reason to hate Putin. Instead of thanking the Lord Jesus Christ that we have ONE brother in Christ in charge of a powerful country, they want to attack and attack him. Herman lives in a country where parents can have their children taken away from them and given hormone therapy without parental consent!! All the child has to do is say that he/she wants to be a different gender to his pediatrician, teacher, dentist, anyone and the godless process will begin! Your government is actively opposing the reversal of roe v Wade. Satanism has been made into a legit religion in your godless nation and they (satanists) are given the same rights of other religions!! LQBTQ garbage and all the propaganda comes out of America and spreads to the rest of the world! Clean your own house. Go and tell Biden, harris and the rest of the godless enemies of Christ to release the J6 prisoners to stop persecuting their political opponents and to bring back Christian values and let’s see where it will get you! You literally risk the possibility of being “cancelled” meaning you are no longer able to function in your country! No bank accounts, no jobs, no twitter and Facebook (the new drug) and everyone will abandon you! Look at what they did to Kyle Ritenhouse! They were going to turn a child molesting monster into a hero and send Kyle to prison for years! Only by the grace of God and a glitch in their system was that boy able to escape their wickedness. You live in a godless, communist, oppressive and tyrannical nation! Admit it and stop living in delusion!
Pierre Kotschoubey11/12/2022 7:23 pm
The issue expressed below will most probably be seen by all readers as petty, unimportant, irrelevant and what not, because who still pays the slightest attention to symbols? - Yet, I believe in the power, in the merit and in the huge educational importance of symbols, be them flags or monuments, poststamps or streets' names - Their presence or absence signifies a lot, not least to children - For instance, German children (and adults) do no longer see ANY Hitler statue or street or flag ANYWHERE, it was erased overnight more than 70 years ago, rightly so, but Russian children (and adults) still walk by Stalin and Lenin monuments, statues, streets etc, daily, routinely, EVERYWHERE in their country - this has been going on for more than a century - what do these everpresent symbols say to the Russian children (and adults) about "strengthening" the traditional, presumably Russian values which those two monsters of barbaric bloody cruelty so successfully fought against? Let's hope that the Kremlin power that be has the courage to start the job by erasing those infamous symbols!
Georgios11/12/2022 3:08 pm
Herman, land on earth! Be serious! Not everything can be done immediately.
m. Cornelia11/11/2022 9:21 pm
Herman, as you probably know, Roe vs. Wade had ruled that the states had to make abortion legal and available. Now that it's overturned, states can make their own choice. 14 states out of 50 have so far made abortion illegal. The overturning of Roe vs. Wade does not constitute a ban on abortion in the U.S. I'm not saying that isn't a gain for pro-life, but you can't say that it a total win. Anyway, the legal systems of the US and Russia are very different. There is still a lot of work to do for anti-abortion lobbyists in both countries.
Herman11/11/2022 6:09 pm
m. Cornelia: yes we look at our own sins, but we also have a duty to speak out and protest against abortion and seek to end this barbaric practice. My comment stands - if Russia wants to be serious about promoting "traditional values" it will need to ban abortion immediately. This seems clear to me, as the sin of abortion affects the entire nation. Roe vs Wade was recently overturned in my country, maybe it's time for Russia to take a cue from the "godless West" and make steps to end abortion there too.
m. Cornelia11/11/2022 1:17 pm
Herman: You can judge for yourself (I'm assuming you live in the US) how difficult it is to ban abortions in a country where the pandora's box was opened long ago. It's also interesting to me how the anti-Putin rhetoric works through people such as yourself. If Putin makes an authoritarian "ban" on something, he's called an evil dictator. But if he doesn't, then he's immoral. Orthodox Christians look at their own sins. Perhaps if we all got our own houses in order, others would follow suit.
Benjamin11/11/2022 12:33 am
It would be great if Tucker Carlson did a bit of this on his show. Would really cause a lot of the anti-Russian conservatives to question their pre-conceived notions a bit-- US regime promoting drag queen story hour and mutilating the sexual organs of children -vs- Russian regime passing a decree like this. Even if its just a formal declaration without any legal "teeth" to create or enforce laws, the fact that it was signed by the president really says something and indicates a certain zeitgeist in Russia that's lacking here in America
Herman11/10/2022 11:28 pm
If he was serious about "traditional values" he would have outlawed abortion 20 years ago. Russia has the highest abortion rate on earth, by a wide margin. Think how many millions of unborn children killed by abortion during Putin's time as president.
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