Priest Tarasiy Borozenets
Fasting is not about restriction and lack of freedom, as many perceive it, but about the ample opportunity to get to know the Truth and the freedom that stems from this knowledge.
What makes faith living? Attention and determination to live up to what you believe in.
From the moment you meet and convert to Christ, your intensely difficult spiritual work begins of self-improvement, of being transformed into the image and likeness of Jesus of Nazareth.
The everlasting Heavenly bliss and torments of hell in the afterlife are the natural fruits and natural consequences of our earthly lives.
“Super Jump” is not just a commercial pyramid selling a dubious method of personal success, but a networked neo-pagan sect with its own doctrine and cult practice.
Taras Borozenets
Why do modern children so readily play with death? Let’s reflect on why they are ready to risk their lives, almost without thinking.
The New Testament calls us to be both children and adults—children at heart, who wholeheartedly believe in God and trust Him, and adults in mind, who responsibly comprehend God and His teachings.