Another mass Baptism in Kenya

Ochiro, Kenya, December 9, 2022

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Another mass Baptism was held in another Kenyan village earlier this week.

On December 4, the feast of the Entrance of the Mother of God Into the Temple, 20 people received the washing of regeneration at the Church of St. Macarius the Great in the village of Ochiro in Western Kenya, reports the Russian Church’s African Exarchate.

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The Sacrament was celebrated by Fr. Angelos Oribe.

Mass Baptisms are a common phenomenon in Kenya and throughout Africa, both in the churches of the Patriarchate of Alexandria and those of the African Exarchate of the Russian Church.

Most recently in Kenya, OrthoChristian reported on the Baptism of 29 children and adults at St. Tabitha’s Orphanage in Malava in August last year, and on the Baptism of 16 children at the Ngando Orthodox Christian School and Community Learning Center in October of this year.

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