ROCOR expresses concern for persecuted Ukrainian Orthodox Church

New York, December 12, 2022

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The hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia are alarmed by the increasing persecution against the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

The ROCOR Synod of Bishops met in New York on December 8. Among other items, the hierarchs addressed the tragic situation in Ukraine. The ROCOR reports press service reports:

Metropolitan Mark proposed separately to examine and deliberate on matters pertaining to the life of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is now subjected to persecutions and politically-motivated agitation. The Synod of Bishops expressed its alarm over the aggression and violence directed against the life of the canonical Church on the territory of Ukraine, calling upon all those in positions of authority not to close their eyes but to lift their voices and insist on the reestablishment and observance of the elementary rights and religious freedoms of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry, the archpastors, pastors and many millions who constitute the flock of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

The Ukrainian Security Service has been conducting searches at UOC monasteries, churches, and diocesan administrations over the past few weeks, and several hierarchs and clerics are being officially investigated by the Ukrainian Security Service. The state has also imposed sanctions upon a growing number of hierarchs and clerics.

Local administrations have declared bans on the Church in various places throughout the country, and there are bills before the Parliament to adopt a nationwide ban.

President Zelensky also recently ordered an examination of the UOC statutes, to see if there is any connection with the Russian Orthodox Church, which would likely lead to a total ban on the Church.

His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas, the First Hierarch of ROCOR, sent greetings to Met. Onuphry last week on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of his consecration to the episcopacy.

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“The OCU has proved itself. They broke crosses, smashed icons, beat women and children. Christ was beaten on Friday with sticks... They also beat us, threw eggs at us and spat on us. We’ve suffered at least a little for Christ today, and we’re happy.”
Philip12/17/2022 9:14 pm
Our greatest fear is becoming fact. Banning of the Orthodox Church. I fear this will extend to ALL orthodoxy when they realize we are one faith, one baptism. Then we could all be accused of belonging to a 'Russian' religion or 'homophobic' and be treated the same way. It sure seems to me that the Patriarch of Constantinople was tipped off as to what was going to occur when they created the OCU which led to the Russian reaction, a major schism.It's like they knew and were simply posturing for what was to come.If this continues we may all be worshipping in caves and basements. History repeats.
Anne12/12/2022 11:51 pm
May God bless and protect the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church - it's wonderful Metropolitan Onuphry and his flock.
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